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"This is a strange city, don't you think, Thoma?" The silver-haired man walked around a seller on the street corner. Thoma followed behind, trying not to let the people's stares get to him. He knew they were looking at his horns. Just as they were looking at Ayato's clothes. 

"I don't think we can comment on it, Waka." 

"Hm," Ayato held his chin with his hand and placed his other one on his hip. He stared down at the items on the seller's table. 


"Do you think Ayaka would like the flower hairpin?" 

"Waka," Thoma sighed, holding his face in his hands. "This is not the time to be shopping." 

"Well?" Ayato looked over his shoulder at Thoma. 

"Well, what?" 

"Do you think Ayaka would like the flower hairpin?" Ayato smiled, repeating the question. 

"I'm sure she would love anything you gift her," Thoma shook his head, sighing a second time. Ayato held out his hand. Thoma stared, confused, and placed his hand on top of Ayato's. 

"I'm not asking for your paw, Thoma, I forgot my wallet." 

Thoma's face flushed. "Right! Sorry!" He scrambled around, patting his clothes, looking for his money. 

The seller stared at the strange coins Thoma had placed in his hands and frowned. "This ain't the currency of the Fatui Empire, folks." Thoma and Ayato looked at each other. 

"We'll come back another time," Ayato picked up the coins again, handing them back to Thoma, and left with a smile. 


"Are you the Inazuman?" Childe asked, folding his hands on his lap. 

"My name is Kamisato Ayato," he placed his hand over his heart and then gestured to the man beside him. "This is my servant Thoma." 

"Hm," Childe stared. He felt, staring at Thoma, that he'd forgotten about something. Oh. Oh! Zhongli's servant! The one he saved back in chapter three, whatever happened to him? He forgot how they punished him for his dumbass mistake. 

"We've come on behalf of Inazuma's shogun to investigate the situation regarding the oni Itto." 

Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. Childe tried not to let his fear show on his face. He didn't even remember the punishment that was dished out to that guy, how was he going to explain himself? 

"Oni?" Childe repeated the word most interesting to him. He continued staring at Thoma as he said it. 

"Inazuma is a place of interesting creatures, as is Liyue," Ayato stepped in front of Thoma. 

"That man is from Mondstadt," Diluc stated, noting the hair color. 

"Yes," Ayato smiled, not revealing anything. "And what, do you presume, happens when someone from Mondstadt flees to Inazuma?" he asked. The implication was there without further explanation. Ayato's servant was half Inazuman, and, from the looks of it, half oni as well. 

"My servant has been sent back to Liyue long ago due to an incident. He is no longer in the Fatui Empire's boundaries and is, unfortunately, banned from returning," Zhongli spoke, answering the initial question. 

"Oh?" Ayato folded his hands in front of him under his sleeves. "Then I suppose this trip was quite after the fact," Ayato quickly glanced to Yae Miko in the corner. She smiled, ear twitching amused. Ayato's eyebrow twitched with annoyance ever so slightly. "In that case, Emperor, would you accompany me into the city?" 

"What is the purpose behind this question?" Zhongli stepped forward. 

"I'm sorry," Ayato tilted his head slightly, "are you the emperor?" 

Childe leaned up against the side of his throne and crossed his legs. "You should answer the question, Inazuman envoy, I'm curious myself." 

"Hm," Ayato held his chin. "It would be a shame to go home empty-handed. I assumed the emperor would be able to assist me in finding a souvenir. Unless you don't know your own city the best?" 

"Waka," Thoma muttered, stiffening. He could feel everyone glaring at them. Ayato, as usual, wasn't bothered by the looks. Childe thought him to either be very confident in his fighting abilities or quite confident in his ability to bluff. 

Everyone blinked and a gust of wind flooded through the throne room. Childe appeared in front of Ayato before anyone could react. After a moment of delayed reaction, people bowed as etiquette dictated, realizing their emperor had stood up. 

"I'm sure you've heard the rumors about me," Childe folded his hands behind his back and leaned forward, staring directly into Ayato's eyes. "Do try not to get on my nerves." He stood up straight and circled around Ayato, continuing. "You see, in the past few days I've had a number of unwanted guests showing up at my doorstep. The King of Mondstadt," he gestured to Diluc. "The envoy of the envoy and the envoy himself," he gestured to Yae Miko and then Ayato. "We've even had a surprise visit from the Abyss Order." 

"Tell me, King of Mondstadt and speakers for Inazuma," Childe stopped, standing directly in front of his throne. His back facing the room. "If you're here then who is guarding your post? If you've heard the rumors, shouldn't you have expected to die here?" A shadow cast itself over Childe's face as he looked behind him, grinning mischievously. 

"Is that a threat, Emperor?" Ayato's expression never changed. 

"It's a kind request that you be on your way," Childe placed his hand over his heart. "As quickly as possible." 

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