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"We welcome the new Chief Treasurer," Childe gestured to Signora in her new uniform. There was a small applause. Childe had solved some issues with his advisors but he hadn't gotten rid of all of the foul individuals. There was still one. There had to be. But he couldn't place his finger on who. It was probably the man in the mask. Never trust a man in a mask. Especially one that's always smiling. He made Childe very uncomfortable. 

"Pardon the interruption." A priestess walked into the throne room and bowed slightly before the throne. Her pink hair looked almost as if it hid fluffy ears. "I am here to inform you of an Inazuman envoy." 

"Why is everyone interested in visiting me all of the sudden?" Childe let out a small sigh, relaxing on the throne. He rubbed his temple. 

"Because you're a very interesting man. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Yae Miko," she smiled. Her ears shot upright, proving to everyone in the room that she was a fox. Childe still hadn't connected the dots that she was the pink fox that he'd found with Zhongli in the woods. "The envoy should be here within a few days." 

"You're not the envoy?" 

"No, I am nothing but the envoy's envoy," she chuckled. "The envoy himself is rather...unique. Elegant in ways that your spouse might find jealous." 

"Are you suggesting the royal spouse is less elegant than the Inazuman envoy?" Diluc frowned. If he hadn't said anything, Childe certainly would have. 

"All I'm saying is that if His Majesty plays his cards right, he might gain a concubine as well as an ally with the Inazuman peoples," Miko smiled as her ear twitched. Her tail swished back and forth, obviously she was amused. 

"It's no matter," Childe remained stoic even though he desperately wanted to throw something. I have no interest in causing strife between us." 

"I wonder if your sentiment will remain the same once you've met him," she folded her arms. "As I've said, he is rather unique." 

"We shall see then, won't we?" Childe forced a polite smile. 


"Why is everything happening all at once?" Childe held his face in his hands. His robe was every which way as he sat on the edge of his bed. 

"I am here to help you, Your Majesty," Zhongli assured, grabbing Childe's hand and moving it away from his face. He held it in his own before kissing it. "Why don't we think about less stressful things?"

"Like what?" Childe blushed. He stared at Zhongli's lips on his hand. 

"We've yet to have an official consummation night, Your Majesty." 

"But we've-" Zhongli pressed his finger to Childe's lips. 

"That was not official. Empress Ningguang still has plans set into place if I choose to leave. We must make our marriage complete or I will have to return." 

"I don't want you to return..." Childe grabbed Zhongli's wrist and pulled him close, clinging to him tightly. 

"I don't want to return either, Your Majesty," Zhongli pet his head gently. 

"Is it alright for us to plan this? There are so many envoys to worry about right now," Childe frowned, hiding his face in Zhongli's chest. 

"All the more reason to do this soon," Zhongli replied. "Otherwise, the king and perhaps the Inazuman envoy will try to make their own moves." 

"The king still isn't leaving you alone?" Childe gritted his teeth. 

"He is, of course, but I don't think he has given up just yet." 

"I love you," Childe said, kissing Zhongli's neck. He opened his mouth to reply but was pushed against the bed. Childe rested on top of him, biting down. 

"Your Majesty, that will leave a visible mark." 

"I know." 

"It would be more intimate to leave marks where only we can see them," Zhongli shifted his robe and guided Childe's head further down. "Don't you think?" 

Childe blushed, pressing his hot face in the center of Zhongli's torso. "I love you so much," he muttered, lips brushing up against Zhongli's skin as he spoke. Zhongli felt tear droplets fall down the side of his stomach. 

"My dear, why are you crying?" Zhongli attempted to lift Childe's face but he refused, pressing his face further into Zhongli's torso. 

"The thought of you leaving... it makes me so sad... I can't..." Childe sobbed. His hands clutched the fabric of Zhongli's robe. "Please, don't ever leave me." 

"It's late, you're losing your senses," Zhongli pat his hair to soothe him. "I'm not going anywhere, Your Majesty." 

"Please..." Childe relaxed, lying down flat on Zhongli once again. His eyes closed as he drifted off to sleep. 

"You worry so much." Zhongli pulled him up carefully to a more comfortable position. Childe didn't allow himself to be separated for long, and clung to him once again, hiding his face in the nook of his neck. Zhongli placed a kiss on his head, continuing to toy with his hair, until he fell asleep as well. 

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