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Childe watched as the emperor's advisors all stood in a straight line side by side. Signora stepped forward with barking dogs at her side. 

"My, my, could it be they've forgotten their original master?" she chuckled, staring down at the dogs. "You were the one that gifted them to be and look at them now," she gestured. 

Childe stepped forward, trying his best to act unafraid. The dogs snarled at his feet, threatening to bite him. He stared and they froze. He reached down to touch them and Scaramouche moved to step forward, to warn him against it, but the dogs rolled over on their backs, calm as could be. 

"Who said you could forget me?" Childe chuckled, screaming internally and thanking the heavens that his plan worked. Wearing that tiger skin under his formal wear was the right choice. The dogs smelled it and understood him to be the superior creature. Good thing Tartaglia was an absurd hunter. Wait- Tartaglia was a crazy hunter. He couldn't just lose to Zhongli people would suspect something. But, if he didn't lose to Zhongli how could he hear his request? Childe stood up and moved to get on the horse. He'd learned how to ride for a skit but it had been a long time since he'd done it. 

Childe mounted the horse and grabbed the reins. Scaramouche handed him his bow and quiver. Childe raced forward, heading straight for the woods. He didn't care anymore about the special fox; he was determined to have a good time. After all, who knew when he was going to die. 

"Hm," Zhongli smiled slightly and grabbed his own, moving to his horse and following behind. 

"Well, don't just stand there lads," Signora gestured. "Let the hunting begin!" 


"Leave it to me to get stuck in a fox form on a hunting party day!" Miko frowned and ran through the woods. There was a pesky man after her at the moment and she was not intending to become anyone's prized fur. 

"Oh dear," Childe stopped the horse and looked around. "I'm pretty sure I lost it but I'm not entirely sure how I would explain losing a pink fox." 

Miko poked her head out from behind the tree to see Childe dismounting from his horse. He looked around and sensed something off. 

"Isn't that...?" Miko stared, not quite believing that this man was the infamous Tartaglia. She watched as he grabbed his bow and placed an arrow in it, aiming up into the sky. He lowered his bow and turned around sharply, shooting something in the distance. 

"They're already trying to assassinate me," Childe sighed, rubbing the back of his head with the feathers of the arrow. "I should keep moving to make it a bit more difficult," he got back on the horse and hurried off. Miko stared, following him. It was interesting and she was curious. Surely this was not the same man. 


Zhongli scanned the area and shot an arrow. He traveled down the path and picked up the dead animal. "This is just a normal fox, isn't it?" Zhongli frowned slightly but put the fox in his hunting bag. "Where did the white fox go?" 

"Please do not move, Highness," Childe aimed the arrow while riding straight for Zhongli. He felt as if he would get shot but decided to trust Childe all the same. He remained still as the arrow nearly grazed his face. It shot someone hiding behind the nearby tree. 

"You there, do not try to escape," Childe stopped the horse by the injured man. "How dare you try to harm the royal spouse?" he snapped, eyes raging. "Shall I shoot an arrow through your eye? Or would you prefer to speak?" He pointed another arrow and pulled back the string of the bow. 

"I would rather die than to betray my master," the assassin closed his eyes, prepared to take the arrow. 

"Tch," Childe clicked his tongue. He was tempted to release the arrow but his fingers wavered as a flash of the angry Tartaglia's face revealed itself in his mind. He lowered the arrow and removed it from the bow. If there was anything he needed to remember, it was to never become Tartaglia. 

"I'm convinced," Miko muttered to herself. "This man is not the same as the rumored one the shogun asked me to take care of."

"A pink fox?" Zhongli dismounted and walked quietly around the tree. He moved swiftly and picked up the fox by the scruff of its neck. "Who might you be?" he asked. Miko said nothing. She struggled to escape but ultimately decided this would work better for her. Perhaps she could gain more information on the Fatui Empire for her shogun. 

"You there," Childe pointed to the nearby soldier scouting the area. "Take this man away we shall investigate the situation at a later time." The soldier nodded, grabbing the assassin. 

"Your Majesty," Zhongli held up the pink fox. "I believe I have won our bet." 

"Oh?" Childe turned his head to see the pink fox. "That is quite the rare catch. What is your request?" 


Miko, amused by the conversation of a bet, decided to escape Zhongli's grasp and jump up onto Childe. She sat down around his shoulders and smirked at Zhongli. 

"It would appear as if the fox has chosen me to be the winner..." Childe glanced at the fox, petting her head. "I will still allow you your request if you find mine too disagreeable." 

"I suppose we should listen to the little one," Zhongli sighed. "What is your request?" 

"Please, join me on an outing into town." 

"Are you asking me to go on a date with you, Your Majesty?" Zhongli chuckled. 

"Do you refuse?" 

"With such a pure-hearted request, I doubt I could find it within myself to refuse. I will accept your invitation." 

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