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"I took care of the body that intruded on Your Majesty's slumber last night," Scaramouche bowed slightly before the throne. 

"Is there news on where this look-a-like may have originated?" Childe replied. 

"The man hardly looked flattering," Diluc spoke. "I doubt anyone would say he was your exact look-a-like." 

"I doubt he was the look-a-like," Signora stepped forward. "I'm sure we've all noticed His Majesty's change in personality recently, correct?" she held her hand out to the crowd of advisors. "How are we to be certain the man on that throne is not the duplicate?" 

"Are you doubting my authority?" Childe stood up and (mostly) everyone got to their knees. Signora stared, chuckling to herself while hiding her smile behind her hand. 

"Do you have something to hide, Your Majesty?" she asked. 

"If you doubt me so much," Childe held out his hand. "Perhaps we should duel." Zhongli turned his gaze to Childe, wondering if he was serious, only to find that his lips were slightly curved into a grin. Was he confident in his abilities? Zhongli glanced at Scaramouche, who wasn't hiding his fears well at all. 

"A duel would mean nothing. Naturally, His Majesty would win in a fight against a woman," Signora sneered. 

"A woman in the Fatui Empire is every bit as strong as a man, or do you aim to prove me wrong, La Signora?" He descended the throne and walked toward her. "Besides, King Diluc should be eagerly awaiting entertainment by now, no?" he glanced at the redheaded king, who promptly avoided his gaze. 

"I don't think it would be proper, Your Majesty," Signora continued to refuse. 

Childe curled his hand into a fist and lunged forward. She dodged, returning the hit only for him to avoid it. "You're proving my point, Signora," Childe smirked. "A woman in the Fatui Empire is every bit as strong as a man," he repeated. "We shall duel and I expect no further reluctance from you." He exited the throne room. Zhongli followed behind. 

"What do you think you're doing, Your Majesty?" he spoke quietly by Childe as he walked with him. 

"I think it's time people stop pretending Signora is a weak woman only following the flow of the crowd," Childe replied. 

"Are you certain you will be able to win?"

"My, my," Childe chuckled, "do you not believe that I'm capable, Highness?" 

"I would never presume to underestimate you," Zhongli shook his head. "However, would you allow me to spar with you in preparation?" 

"You want to fight me?" Childe's eyebrows raised in disbelief. He stopped walking altogether. 

"No," Zhongli's head tilted slightly. "I want to spar with you. There is a difference, my dear." 

"What is the difference?" 

Zhongli stepped forward, moving his leg in between Childe's and grabbing his arm, turning him around to press his face against the wall. Childe winced as his arm was pressed further up his back. "This is catching you off guard and attacking you," Zhongli explained. "I mean to hurt you, do you feel that intent?" Childe shivered, feeling the bloodlust radiating off of Zhongli. He released him and folded his hands behind his back. Childe stumbled, trying to regain composure. 

"Sparing is about honesty," Zhongli circled Childe. "Two individuals not intending to harm the other but intending to enhance their personal skillsets."

"There are many things I would like to do with you, Highness," Childe admitted. "Sparring was not the first thing to come to mind." 

"I shall see you tomorrow at noon," Zhongli began walking away. "Do not be late, Your Majesty," he smiled, looking over his shoulder. 


Zhongli sat in the center of the field just outside the palace wall half-naked. His hair was tied up into a high ponytail, waving in the wind as he sat with his legs crossed on the grass. His body was covered in scars, now that Childe saw them in the light. He'd seen Zhongli's body before, technically, but he hadn't really been paying attention to his figure. 

"The duel will be in a couple of days," Zhongli spoke without opening his eyes. Childe moved to stand in front of him. "Which means we don't have much time to prepare you." 

"This is sounding a bit scandalous," Childe admitted.

When Zhongli's eyes opened his gaze was sharp, catching Childe off guard. He placed his hand flat on the ground, shifting his weight and making a swooping motion with his leg to knock Childe off his feet. Childe fell backward, falling right on his ass. He winced, feeling his head come into contact with the ground. Zhongli pressed his arm against his neck, suffocating him slightly. 

"You have to take this seriously, Your Majesty," he advised. "Signora has years of experience and you do not have the same level of training Tartaglia did." 

"You really don't think I can win this, do you?" 

"I told you, Your Majesty, I have no interest in underestimating you." 

"I'm pleased to hear that," Childe grabbed Zhongli's shoulders and flipped the two of them over, pressing Zhongli into the grass. His thumb resting on a pressure point in Zhongli's neck. "I have an unprecedented skill set."


"Are you falling for me yet?" Childe winked. 

"It would appear that you are the one falling for me," Zhongli glanced down at Childe's hand firmly grabbing his bare chest. Childe removed his hand hastily, standing up and shaking his head. His face was completely red. 

"I'm sorry!"  

While Childe was distracted by his own need to apologize, he neglected to notice Zhongli behind him. Zhongli placed a hand on his waist, pulling him back, pressing his body against his with his other hand on his neck, tilting his head up to look at him. Childe blinked, wondering when it was that he seemingly teleported. 

"There is no need to apologize for touching me, Your Majesty," he moved his hand down to grab Childe's neck. "However, you let your guard down again," he squeezed a tad. Childe's mind wandered, slightly enjoying the sensation of Zhongli's hand on his neck. 

Zhongli took a step back, assuming a fighting stance. "Shall we try again?" he smiled. 

"What do we do if I want to lose to you?" Childe assumed a stance of his own. 

"I suppose we shall find out," Zhongli's eyes laughed. 

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