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"Highness," Childe's voice cracked. "You don't have to do this," his breath hitched as he felt Zhongli's hand move down his lower back. 

"We both required a bath so there is no reason why we cannot bathe together," Zhongli replied. 

"This tub isn't quite big enough for the b-" Childe squeaked, feeling Zhongli's body shift against his. 

"Are you uncomfortable, Your Majesty?" Zhongli whispered in his ear. "Surely you're not still considering that we aren't proper spouses?" 

"I just killed a man," Childe's voice was barely audible. "Why are you..." 

"You killed a man for me," Zhongli smiled, placing his hand on Childe's chest. "That's rather romantic in its own way, no?" 

"Your hands..." Childe closed his eyes tightly. "They make me melt." 

"Do you like that feeling?" Zhongli moved his hand to Childe's lower back, sliding it down toward his ass. He squeezed to get a reaction from Childe, but all he saw was a red face and heard a small gasp. 

"W-wait..." Childe forced out, gently pushing Zhongli away. 

"You're going to keep me at arms' length again?" Zhongli frowned slightly. "What is your reason this tim-" Childe cupped Zhongli's face and kissed him. He guided Zhongli back to the other side of the tub so he could straddle his legs. Childe bit Zhongli's lower lip and kissed the side of his chin. 

"You do so much for me," Childe moved his hand to his ass to gently push a finger inside. "At least let me do this for you." He gripped Zhongli's shoulder tightly while playing with his own ass. It felt strange and incorrect like he didn't know what he was doing. And, in a way, he really didn't know. 

"Don't hurt yourself," Zhongli guided his hand along Childe's to assist his fingers. 

"Have you done things like this before?" Childe found himself asking. 

"Are you asking me if I've had lovers before?" 

"Mmm..." Childe nodded and glanced away, closing his eyes again. 

"I've seduced men and women," Zhongli replied, gently removing Childe's hand from his ass to place his own fingers inside. "I am a skilled assassin. It was part of the job," Zhongli leaned forward and kissed Childe's clavicle. Childe moaned, not understanding why Zhongli did this so much better. He seemed to know exactly how deep to go with his fingers and exactly which places would cause him to shiver. 

"Ahha," Childe moaned, flinging his arms around Zhongli's neck. He clung to him. 

"However, I've never met a man I've wanted to be with as much as I want to be with you," Zhongli confessed, removing his hand from Childe's ass. He whined, missing the feeling. Zhongli placed his hands on his hips and guided him down so he'd feel something new inside. "I don't think I'll ever have someone consume my thoughts as much as you do." 

Childe kissed him, rolling his hips to ride his cock. Zhongli's hands were still firmly on his waist. He shifted one to grab Childe's dick, pumping him as he rode his. Childe gasped, unable to focus on the kiss. His eyes intently gazed into Zhongli's as his lips slid to his cheek. 

"I love you, Highness," Childe breathed out between pants. 

"Then don't call me Highness," Zhongli pressed his thumb against Childe's tip. He squeezed the base of his cock to keep him from cumming. 

"Is it okay?" Childe winced, feeling his cock squeezed. 

"When we're together like this, won't you say my name?" 

"Zh-" Childe couldn't utter the rest of his name. His words were interrupted by an onslaught of his own moaning. He felt the warmth of Zhongli's cum inside him and then immediately came himself once Zhongli removed his hand. Two ways of pure euphoria. He shriveled up, clinging to Zhongli. 

"Ajax...?" Zhongli pet Childe's head, running his fingers through his hair. "Are you alright?" 

"Zhongli..." Childe pressed his lips to his neck. 

"You said it," Zhongli smiled. "You said my name." 

"Zhongli, please..." Childe sat up and moved his hips again, not caring about the cum still lingering in his ass. "Will you do that again?" His head tilted slightly, as he grinned. 

"As many times as you'd like," Zhongli moved his hand to his face, running his thumb along his cheek. "You're my emperor, Ajax. I live to serve you." 

"No," Childe shook his head. "I'm not your emperor..." 

"What are you-" 

"I'm your husband," he kissed Zhongli again, guiding his hands along his body. The two felt the intricacies of each other in ways they never attempted to before. Neither one could separate from the other for long. Their lips held a magnetic force, always going back to the other's. Their hands were unable to stay in one place but unable to remove from the other's skin entirely. 'I love you' their hands said. 'I love you' their lips whispered. 'I love you' their bodies repeated over and over and over again. 

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