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"It's odd for you to be so quiet...." Scaramouche stared at Childe who had been sitting silently staring at the wall for the past few hours. 

"I'm thinking." 

"If you spend any more time thinking, it will be the death of me," Scaramouche turned on his heel and gestured for Childe to follow him. "Come." 

"Where are you taking me?" 

"To the royal library. If you must be lost in thought at least be lost in a book." 

"I don't know how to-" 

"Luckily for you," Scaramouche opened the door to the library to reveal Zhongli sitting inside, "there is a most gracious teacher," he smiled slightly. 

"This is the nicest you've ever been to me," Childe noted. "What's gotten into you? Have you switched allegiances?" 

"Don't be ridiculous," Scaramouche huffed, crossing his arms and going into the library's corner. "I have work to do and I can't be bothered to babysit you myself." 

"Your Majesty," Zhongli gestured to the seat next to him. Childe sat down and Zhongli grabbed his hand, leaning forward close to his face. "If you are to become the ruler you must first study to be one. You must not rely on the Chief Secretary for everything. He is," Zhongli glanced to Scaramouche, "a very finicky man." 

"I am not finicky!" Scaramouche huffed, dropping the book in his hand. He leaned down to pick it up but noticed another book had fallen off of the shelf. Staring at the unusual family tree, Scaramouche picked up the book. "I don't remember this being here before," he glanced at it briefly and began to close the book until he noticed something odd.  

"Scaramouche?" Chile turned his head. 

"Enjoy your study session," Scaramouche closed the book and made his way to the exit. "I have something I must look into." 


"My, my, it's so rare of you to visit me yourself like this," Dottore smiled and rested his chin on his hand. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" 

"You have been at the palace longer than myself," Scaramouche held the book tightly to his chest. "Is it true that His Majesty has a brother?" 

"Ah," Dottore's visible eye widened slightly. He reached up to touch the mask covering his face and then lowered his hand. "It is true that His Majesty had a brother. They were young and a venomous snake whispered an idea into the jealous Emperor Tartaglia's mind." Dottore stood up and walked behind Scaramouche, grabbing his shoulders and leaning by his ear. "Mommy can't have a favorite if you destroy the competition. Don't you wish to become Emperor, Young Tartaglia?" 

Scaramouche stepped forward and swatted Dottore's hand away. He glared at him. "You-!" 

"Oh no, not me," Dottore raised his hands innocently, placing them over his heart. "I am nothing but loyal to my beloved emperor." His eye glittered with amusement. "As to which emperor is my beloved, I shall leave that up to you to figure out. It is no matter," Dottore shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, "The older brother to Emperor Tartaglia has long since left this world." 

"Older brother?" Scaramouche's eyes widened. "You manipulated a child into killing his older brother so he could become the ruler?" disgusted, he clicked his tongue. 

"My, my, where do you get such silly ideas from?" Dottore chuckled. He placed his hands on his hips. "I have never done such a thing. In fact, it is not me who you should be pointing fingers at but rather...well, the one who shares His Majesty's bed in secret. I have nothing but loyalty for my dear emperor..." he insisted.  

"Who are you referring to?" 

"Which one of us on the team of advisors is the one that has known the emperor since childhood, as a child?" Dottore chuckled. "My, my, Scaramouche, are you really so bad at observation? The Lady Signora is where you should be turning your gaze, not myself." 


"This is rather complex..." Childe held his head in his hands. He could feel his brain hurting. 

"As is the life of nobles," Zhongli nodded. 

"I don't know if I'll be able to pick this up any time soon." 

"You must try your best." 

"Something like this...something like becoming an emperor...I don't think I have the ability." 

"It is because you doubt yourself to be a good ruler that you would become a great ruler," Zhongli stated. "The downfall of a ruler comes when hubris sets in." 

"You're so wise. Why did someone like you end up in a place like this?" Childe asked. 

"Your Majesty..." Zhongli hesitated and folded his hands on his lap. He opened his mouth to reply but Childe fell sideways, onto him, falling asleep. Zhongli caught him and rested his head on his shoulder. He ran his fingers through his hair. The pink fox's ear twitched and she jumped up on the table, staring at Zhongli. Her tail moved back and forth slightly. She was also interested in what Zhongli had to say. 

"I was selected based on what the Emperor of Fatui's tastes, that is not a lie," Zhongli explained. "However, I was also selected based on my skillset..." his voice quieted as he continued, "for assassination." The pink fox nodded, understanding, Zhongli and the fox had similar missions from different nations. No one appreciated the current Emperor Tartaglia but...Zhongli glanced down at Childe, would they appreciate this one as emperor? 

Childe moved his hand to grab Zhongli's. "Highness, if I end up a worse emperor than that man, may I trust that you will fulfill your original mission?" 

"Hush now, do not speak of such things." 

"Please...promise me..." 

"If it truly becomes a necessity, I will. However, I fully intend never to let you stray so far as to end up like that cruel man." 

"Thank you," Childe muttered, nodding off completely. 

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