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"You did what?" Scaramouche couldn't believe his ears. "Do you want people to think Tartaglia is a wishy-washy emperor? There is no way he is going to allow this. Not only did you make a promise you should have no ability to keep but you wish to exile the man that tried to kill you?" 

"Then don't let him know?" Childe shrugged. "I'm the emperor right now and he is nowhere in the vicinity so..." 

"You-" Scaramouche grabbed Childe's robes and picked him up off of the ground to slam him down into it. He stepped on his chest and pointed at Childe's face. "You cocky clown! Do not forget your place here. You are meant to die instead of the emperor not to become him! Wearing these clothes does not change the blood that flows in your veins."


Scaramouche dug his heel further into Childe's chest and he coughed, closing his mouth tightly. 

"Do not speak so freely to me, clown." He turned and exited, leaving Childe on the ground. He stared at the ceiling. 

"Ah, but he didn't say anything about seeing the royal spouse, did he?" Childe laughed, ruffling his hair. He curled up into a ball on the ground, hugging his knees. "He is so beautiful." 

"His Highness to see His Majesty," a servant's voice spoke. Childe jumped up to his feet and ran back to behind his desk. He wiped off the dirt that he could see and tried to fix his hair. He cleared his throat and folded his hands awkwardly on the desk. 

"You may enter," he announced. 

Zhongli walked as if his feet had never touched the ground. He glided toward the desk and held out a small gift for the imposter emperor. He bowed his head slightly. "I humbly thank His Majesty for showing kindness to my servant. Please take this gift to show my gratitude." 

Childe stood up and walked around the desk toward Zhongli. He took the gift and smiled. "I accept." Zhongli flinched the moment he took the gift. Childe tried not to think about it but it bothered him all the same. "Are you alright?" 

Zhongli stood up, hiding his hands in his sleeves and maintaining perfect posture. He stared into Childe's face but did not provide a lengthy response. "Yes." 

"Should I open this now?" Childe asked. 

"Your Majesty may do as you wish." 

"Hm," Childe tried his best not to frown. "Would you like me to open this now?" 

Zhongli stared, unsure of how to respond. The emperor never asked what he would like. Zhongli always did whatever the emperor wished to maintain something of peace among the court. Zhongli was caught in an odd situation. He wasn't properly accepted as a spouse yet but could not return home without formally being refused. He didn't know whether to try and gain the emperor's favor or to continue as they had been. 

"Highness?" Childe spoke, snapping Zhongli out of his daze. "Would you like me to open this now?" 

"'Highness'?" Zhongli repeated. 

"Is that not good either?" Childe forced a laugh and scratched the side of his neck. "'Queen' made you uncomfortable and saying 'your' or 'my' seems a bit awkward as well. I promise I'll think of something to refer to you by that you don't hate eventually... If all else fails there is always your name." 

"I apologize. It simply caught me off guard but I do not mind it, Your Majesty. As for the gift," he pulled his hand out of his sleeve and gestured to it, "please open it." 

Childe unwrapped the gift carefully. He opened the box to see an embroidered brush holder. "Ah, did you do this yourself?" Childe's eyes sparkled as he looked over the cloth pouch. The golden thread appeared to sparkle in the light. He didn't understand the language (Childe couldn't read, after all) but admired its beauty nonetheless. Excellent craftsmanship. 

"I am grateful you appreciate it, Your Majesty," Zhongli bowed his head slightly. "It's a saying to wish good health from my homeland." 

"I see," he smiled brightly. "Thank you very much, Highness." 

The tips of Zhongli's ears turned a slight shade of pink. He nodded and made his exit. Walking quickly to his chambers, he felt his ears grow hotter still. "Unusual," he covered one ear with his hand. "He seems...different today...I wonder..." Zhongli muttered under his breath and glanced up at the sky. "Will things be different now?" 

"He did what?!" Tartaglia snapped and ran out of a nearby building. He stormed toward the direction Zhongli had just came from, brushing past him, nearly pushing him off of the walkway. Zhongli caught his balance, but just barely. He watched the raging Tartaglia walk, snapping at everyone who passed by. (He clearly hadn't progressed on his plan to leave the palace...) 

"I suppose...not..." Zhongli sighed, continuing. He didn't stop to think about how Tartaglia had made it from his office to the other side of the palace. His heart, about to release itself from being locked away, returned to adding new locks instead. Zhongli sighed once again.  

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