"I'm really sorry."

"I mean it's a bit too late now."

"Honestly I meant every word of it, until I was stood there I had no idea who I would pick, but nothing's changed for me, I still want to get to know you just as I was getting to know Gemma."

"But everything's changed, in that speech as well you said you'd had your eye on her from the start. You never once mentioned her name in those conversations we had. Then throughout today you've been reassuring me, making out like I had nothing to worry about. I could have been dumped from the Island Luca."

"But I had to go with my head."

"You're not listening to me, I have no problem with you choosing Gemma if that's who you're feeling it with. I have a problem with the way you handled it, if I wanted to chase after little boys I would have stayed at home."

"Not petty at all."

"You fucking deserve it mate, standing up there all alone was embarrassing. What about actions speak louder than words, was that when you made me a drink only to go and give her one as well?"

"I can see you're angry." 

"How else do you expect me to react," Hearing him say that made me pause and gather my thoughts, catching the tears gathering in my eyes. "I hope she's the full package."

"I don't want to see you get upset, I couldn't see how this was affecting you. I do still want to get to know you though, like I still find myself so happy being around you."

"But you picked her and that's got to mean something, how ever much she disrespected me I would never do that to another girl so I think you should rule me out."

"If that's what you want."

"It's probably for the best."

It was a bit awkward as I walked into the bedroom to share my bed with Afia, seeing Gemma and Luca cuddled in bed but I held onto my blanket a bit tighter than usual and gradually sleep came. 


"Good morning." Afia was definitely a morning person and hearing someone be that loud in the morning was definitely having an impact on my ear drums and the forming headache. Keeping my sunglasses on I managed to sit up and face everyone else. "How did you sleep Ekin?"

"Yeah all right."

"I will say you're not a bad person to share a bed with." Afia turned to me. "Like you barely move at all."

"I couldn't sleep really, I'm so tired." I could barely keep the yawn in as I said that. 

"The place feels really weird without Liam." Ikenna said. "I'm so devastated he's gone man."

One thing I really wasn't expecting though was for my phone to go off that early. "I've got a text. Afia and Delilah you are both going on a date, please get ready to head out into the garden. Afia you will be first #morningglory."

"I'm a bit nervous you know" Afia squealed as I wrapped my arms around her, quite excited for the date. 

"I honestly need some thick make up to cover the bags under my eyes."

Afia went out first and I tried to calm the nerves by staying inside but when Amber came in with wide eyes I knew something strange had happened. 

"So apparently he's Gemma's ex."

"Of course he is, just when I thought things couldn't get any more complicated."

"You look amazing just forget about all that and bring your best chat."

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