The leader of the free world

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This is the last chapter where I will jump timelines (except for one small scene in the 80's coming up in the next chapter) After today, everything will be in current time and Alistair will return!

WELCOME Father Richard.  The current father Richard of 2022 is Michael Fassbender (pictured above).

Few things:
The story of the Rougarou is  based on urban myths told in New Orleans even today.  I mixed the painting and the story of the Rougarou together for the sake of this story.The wizards of Lyon are based on real men who practiced black magic. No one knew what happened to the men.  So for this story I'm basically saying they survived and ended up eventually leaving France and coming to New Orleans.  

AND get to find out what Alistair didn't tell Stella about the fate of vampires, and why Kid kept wanting to fight him.


Sometime in the late 60s, Richard, a werewolf residing in Lafayette joined a theological seminary. He turned to the church and God when the action and the rise of the BRMC troubled him. It made him question his values as a creature born of a curse. He wanted to cleanse his soul from sin so he can go to heaven.

Richard was married to a werewolf who had a grown son in his mid twenties, Logan. Richard cared for his wife but he knew Logan was a bastard whom she conceived out of wedlock with a gang member, who left them with nothing. Richard knew his wife was kind and that Logan's naïve heart was pure and true, but he grew resentful of them for the creatures they were. Every time he looked at his family, he was reminded of the hell awaiting them.

He verbally tormented and physically abused his family for their sin. He believed this punishment would grant him entry to paradise, that it was the lord's will.

He tried to emotionally harden Logan. Logan's only crime was his birth, his nature as a werewolf. But Logan knew how to be loved through his mother's affection.

She stood by him, defended him, and loved him. Logan knew she would never leave Richard because of their bond. She could never bring herself to hate him either. And with her unconditional love for her son, Logan valued the meaning of it and found it with a troubled runaway witch.

But just like his mother, he too would repeat the cycle of an unstable relationship, oblivious to the trauma he endured.

When Logan married Lavinia, a witch with a bastard child, Richard shunned Logan from their community. Richard's self loathing for his nature, and his kind heightened overtime, while immersing himself into the seminary studies. He wanted to serve the lord and denounce the world he came from. He became possessed by the idea of rebirth and devoted himself to God and the church, certain he would be redeemed.

Richard heard wild tales of The Blue Moon Girls, witches living in the Bayou, able to do the impossible. And so his quest began, to find a spell to break the curse. He wanted a cure.

To be human.

After completing his seminary in Lafayette, the bishop refused to ordain Richard into the ministry due to his nature.

The humans in the ministry allowed him to practice, believing God would welcome all, but they refused to acknowledge him as anything more than a patron.

Consumed by his madness, Richard decided to leave everything behind. His family, Lafayette, the church, and his own kind. He moved to New Orleans but lived far from the French Quarter, unaware that Logan and his wife resided in the same city. He could smell werewolves but couldn't sense Logan's presence because he wasn't his biological father. Their ties weren't strong.

There's A Circle of WitchesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora