Not to get what you set Out to acquire

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I am so sorry for the longest hiatus right from the start of this book! As you guys know I walked away from socials to focus on so much more that's going on (all good)

I won't be returning to socials anytime soon so I'll let you guys know what's going on here regarding new characters!


70s Alistair - EYCTE look.
70s Kid - Still Humbug era!
Logan - scruffy bearded Chad Michael Murray (Daddiest of all! I watched him in Riverdale ----I suggest you look him up in there because that's how I picture Logan hahaha)
Dex - lightly scruffed Sebastian Stan.
I have a few more! I'll only describe characters I'm keeping around. There will be a few new women I'll assign to actors but the next chapter has a few more new hot daddies.

I like to keep women up our imagination to keep them relatable.

1976, The French Quarter, New Orleans

Kid stumbled through the hallway leading to his apartment. He looked down at his blood drenched shirt and felt his heart beat loud against his chest. The aching hunger returned and his head throbbed.

His birth into this dark world flashed back before his eyes. Images of Marie's fangs sinking into him under the moonlight outside of the ranch rummaged through his memories. Images glitched and twitched like dead air play on the television set. He winced hearing a loud piercing ringing in his ears. Kid stopped in the hallway and held onto the wall bringing his head down. His soft waves cascaded forward shielding his face. He put his fingers to his temples pushing the pain away.

Kid shut his eyes and felt beads of sweat trickling down from his curls over his face. He parted his lips to control his heavy breathing but he couldn't calm his hunger or his body aches. He shut his eyes tightly as images of the werewolves he consumed tonight played in his head like a horror reel. He can see their faces clearly.

He clenched his fists and slammed a hand against the wall to quiet his mind. Feeling the wall crumble around his fist, he gasped moving away looking at his bloody hand. Kid stumbled back, his brows raised looking down at his open bloodied palms. They healed immediately after he pulled them out. The blood wasn't his. He shook his head and felt tears pool in his eyes.

I ate them. I gutted them and I ate them. He said to himself over and over again shaking against the wall. Lost in the aftermath of the massacre he didn't see her standing at the end of the hall. She was on her way to see him, to thank him for helping her son.

Kid turned slowly. She brought her hand to her mouth at the sight of him covered in blood. He felt his face redden and if it weren't dark around him, she'd see how red his face was.

"Genevieve?" Kid whispered. "I don't---I don't know what's happening to me."

She looked around the empty hall, it was past two in the morning and no one was in sight. Her eyes landed back on his and saw sorrow and fear gaze back at her. She approached him slowly and cautiously.

"Let's get you inside, I'll clean you up."

Currently in New Orleans

Alistair and Logan stood facing each other in the middle of a bar on Bourbon Street. Logan stood tall in his dark jeans and a form hugging white t-shirt. A black leather jacket shaped his torso. The BRMC logo etched on the back.

His eyes a bright hazel colour piercing against his polished features. Alistair took notice of how young he still looked. He knew werewolves aged a year every ten years, but he arched his brow pursing his lips studying Logan's sharp clean cut hairstyle and tamed scruff. He was around 27 years old when he heard of him in the 70's. Kid was about 31. Alistair eyed Logan guessing he was now close to 31 himself.

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