Bonus scene: Oversharing and its bitter aftertaste

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BONUS SCENE!!!!!!!!  I love and hate that I made Chad Michael Murray Logan because he's super fine. hahah

OKAY ----I was so excited writing this, I hope you enjoy it <3


Logan's house

Dex cocked his head pulling his brows together. He brought his hands down gripping the ends of the table. His eyes searched the crystals and candles on the table. The snake in the glass case hissed at his presence. Dex looked down at the witch who was also confused hearing Logan's story.

"I don't understand—Genevieve found a cure?" The witch swallowed dryly. "Why was this hidden from us? This can't be true." She turned to Logan who was leaning against the wall watching her and Dex process what he revealed.

Dex's eyes rapidly searched the table, trying to find logic in the story. "Why didn't you tell anyone?"

Logan narrowed his eyes and smirked. "Tell you what? That the priest is just a human body carrying the spirit of my insane dead dad?" He scoffed. "Don't think Hallmark made cards for that."

He turned to the witch, raising his brows. "And darling if it were true, I can see why Genevieve would hide the cure from your kind."

The witch shot him a look of anger. He smirked winking at her. Logan, like many werewolves, were aware of the council's outdated and sexist treatments of witches. They used the natural connection of the moon between witches and werewolves, to control their paths, choosing and aligning wolves for them.

All witches belonged to voodoo. That was their religion, their balance and unity, before the council, church, and tradition stripped them of their rights to practice it, taking away their free will. The witch knew if what Logan said was true, Genevieve didn't conceal the cure from witches, she concealed them from the council.

The room fell silent as Dex ran Logan's story through his mind one more time. Logan shrugged. "Besides, it doesn't sound much like a cure. Possessing a human body? I think my dad found himself a spell--- not a fucking cure."

The earth shook and the witch felt a burning sensation in her veins.  She shut her eyes.

"What's with that today?" Logan knotted his brows noticing the consistent earthquakes. 

Dex shrugged. It wasn't uncommon to experience them in this part of Louisiana.  He turned to see the witch leaning over the table with her eyes shut. "You alright?" Dex asked. The witch nodded.

"Just —need a moment."

"And I need a cigarette. Stay with her." Logan ordered Dex.

Logan stepped out of his house turning to a dry patch of land near the murky waters. He reached for his cigarette pack but felt the hair on his neck rise.


He turned and was faced with Lavinia. Logan felt his throat tighten, suffocating him. The blood rushed to his head threatening to blind him.

"You can see me?" She smiled breathlessly. "I tried to call for you before—you couldn't hear me."

He couldn't move and stood in complete shock at the sight of her, healthy, alive, and as young as the first day he met her. "Lavinia?---how–"

She moved towards him but stopped herself. "I don't think I'm supposed to touch you—it upsets the realms."

Logan's brows lifted and his lips twitched. He turned his gaze away and pressed down on his lips. Lavinia could feel him fighting the urge to break down. "Logan I —"

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