Wakes the wolves, to curse them to their knees

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(Chapter title is from Only The Truth - last Shadow puppets) This chapter -- I did a lot of research on Bayous in Louisiana.  Everything I mention is real including the travel time between cities.  OF course the only thing that isn't real is the supernatural part (obviously).   Also pirates used to smuggle things down the river but I just made it about the BRMC to fit the story.  I'm gonna have a bonus scene either tonight or tomorrow  and it is AHHHHH!!

So this chapter is mixed with the last one.  It's all the in-between scenes we didn't get to see.  The last chapter, we see Kid and Alistair back from the Bayou.  This chapter and the next is all about their time in the Bayou.  So this is all before the last scene when he compelled her.  The next chapter will also be tied to the 70's with a flashback( Humbug and EYCTE Alex)

No smut today, but I'll have it soon.   I will have one for each brother.  I just have to finish this Bayou plotline first <3

I LOVE YOU ALL.  Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bayou Manchac, "Swamp of the Ghosts"

Logan's House

"FUCK!" Logan threw the glass of bourbon in his hand against the wall of his dim living room. It was just before sunset.

"You must calm down Logan." A black magic Bayou witch spoke calmly. She channeled the union of the Death Ramps moments before his outburst. Everyone connected to Genevieve's last wish and Lavinia's curse, was not channeled the message yet.

He paced with his hand scratching the back of his neck. "You fucking said Kid and the big mouthed brother of his— worship —that whore, but they haven't struck back! They didn't come here. What the fuck are they waiting for?! I bit her–" He turned and kicked a chair, breaking its legs. "What the fuck are they waiting for?!"

He paced in the room with his top lip twitching in anger and his heart racing with anticipation. Logan also displayed the start of the full moon symptoms. His buttoned up white short sleeved shirt, slouched over his lean physique, unbuttoned. Sweat glistened on his bare chest, down to a lean and cut frame. His jeans hung low over his hips exposing his hip bones.

The witch sat in a dim corner with a collection of crystals and candles displayed on the table before her. A venomous snake hissed in a glass case on the table. Dex stood in the corner with his arms folded against his chest. He was sweating profusely through his form fitting black t-shirt.

"Logan—let's just leave. Kid's Death Ramps won't survive long, trust me I know Alistair. He won't fucking follow orders. We can head to Lafayette and use the tunnels to leave Louisiana."

The witch spoke calmly, correcting Dex. "You're wrong. Twins with different supernatural origins are an anomaly - their union is strong– I can feel the strength of his pack."

Logan growled looking up at Dex. "They have two witches. They're gonna figure out my blood can still cure her." He cursed himself for acting during a waxing crescent moon. "Why aren't they coming here?!" Logan was getting anxious knowing Kid would have acted right away and Alistair would have been even more impulsive.

Dex leaned off the wall and stood with his hands in his pockets. "It's only been a day—"

Logan scoffed, chuckling, pacing the room. "You fucking know Kid–you were there—a day is already way too long." Logan was speaking of the past and how he used Kid's cannibalism to do his bidding in the 70's.

Dex scratched his jaw watching Logan mumble to himself pacing around the room. He swallowed the lump in his throat questioning the stability of Logan as a leader.

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