But I haven't stopped loving you once

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In honour of the recent of Alex looking like himself in 2012, here is a chapter!

I wanted to write an entire scene between Darla and Kid around the song #1 party anthem. And I believe I did it really well. I love the Cure so I had to use Pictures of You and the entire scene was written around # 1 party anthem (because I'm a softy) 

Kid in the 90's looks like early SIAS Alex. But Kid with Darla in the 80s, is the iconic curled quiff cutie.

Alistair makes me genuinely laugh. I'm SO careful with him and Stella because they started all of this so I love every time I write for them. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!



Stella couldn't sleep. Images of the bodies hanging in the freezer plagued her mind.

She laid on her side facing the door.  Alistair laid behind her with his arms wrapped around her naked body under the sheets.  Feeling Alistair's warm breath on her neck as he held her in his arms, she tried to focus on her breathing not to alarm his senses.

But it was impossible to hide.

"Baby?"  His raspy sleepy voice made her pulse hitch.  She felt her body heat up, and sweat pooled against her scalp.

"Yeah?"  Her shaky voice alarmed him.  Alistair shifted, pulling his shoulder off the bed to look over her. 

"Hey... look at me."  he caressed her arm worried about her vitals, sensing her body temperature rising.  "Please?"

She turned her shoulder over and was met with his concerned, soft features looking down at her.  She studied his face noticing how defined his sharp cheekbones looked, matching his thin frame.  Ever since he attacked her when she woke him from his nightmare, she started to notice his weight loss.  Stella couldn't help but feel trapped in his gaze.  His dark brown eyes searching hers, dilated, worshiping her, twinkling behind a few gelled locks draped over his eyes.

She never quite got used to the look of love in his eyes.  It always caught her by surprise knowing how much he loved her.  Stella never felt love like his.  Devoted, loyal, protective.  He hungered for her.  But he was still a creature of darkness and now she knew he was also plagued by Lavinia's curse. 

Stella saw the image of him looking into her eyes , compelling her.  Manipulating her mind.  Lying to her.  It's not him, this isn't the man I love, she knew deep down. She didn't want to give up yet, but she couldn't help but feel the effect of his betrayal linger on, pulling her apart.

He furrowed his brows and brought his hand to her forehead.  "You're burning up."   Alistair watched her eyes water.  Stella was confused at his actions tonight.  She feared him but was begging herself to believe this wasn't Alistair's intention. 

Watching her, he tilted his head slightly, turning his attention and focus to his hearing. 

Nothing.  He couldn't hear her thoughts.  Alistair parted his lips, furrowing his brows.  He focused again.  Nothing.  His mind raced with theories, unaware of the ring she wore around her finger. Alistair knew she wasn't turning yet, so he assumed the weight of tonight's events weakened his senses. 

Stella saw the worry on his face.  She couldn't ignore her own vitals either.  And even though her full moon symptoms were ignited, she knew this was purely fear.  Fear of him.

Oblivious to this, Alistair clenched his jaw and looked away.  Stella was on her back watching him carefully.  She swallowed the lump in her throat, unable to think of anything other than the carnage in the freezer.

There's A Circle of WitchesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα