Opening Scene: I feel like the sequel

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And we're back folks!

I missed you all.  I decided to post Chapter 1 this week but I wanted to give you the opening scene before we get into all the characters.  This scene will give you an idea of what to expect.  We start off in a flashback of Humbug era Kid!

Note: the death ramps ring he has in the 70s is not the one Alistair gave him in the last book. He had another one made. It'll be explained in the later chapters ❤️


Summer of 1976 - Storyville, New Orleans

A Harley-Davidson Sportster revved up around the block leading to the red light district.  Music echoed out of a corner shop and onto the quiet street.

He can see behind his tinted helmet, doors and window closing as he made his way through.  They knew who he was and why he was there.

With the engine stopping, a shiny boot stepped off the pedal and onto the pavement . Getting off the seat, he stood facing his location. He can hear the muffled sounds of the familiar song playing from the corner shop.

Kid took off his helmet.   The music played around him.

Well, I've been down so goddamn long
That it looks like up to me

His wild hair swayed around him.  It was parted to the side, full, long, sitting an inch above his shoulders.  Some strands curled in and some out under his ears.  He immediately felt the summer heat on his all black ensemble.  A wide boat neck black t-shirt sat against his chest with a long necklace hanging from his neck. It used to carry his army tags.  His black jeans hugging him.  

Well, I've been down so very damn long
That it looks like up to me

Kid set his helmet down on his bike.  He looked to the compartment under his seat and caught a glimpse of his leather jacket reading the words on the back:

One For The Road

He furrowed his brows twirling the Death Ramps ring around his pinky.  He knew this wasn't Death Ramps official business but wasn't in the mood to play the hero today.   If the gang came along, they would rough up the dealers and call the cops to do the rest.  But this issue involved a child.

A gust of wind redirected the morning newspaper near this boot.  It wrapped around his leg. He furrowed his brows picking it up as the title caught his eye.  Soldiers returned home from Vietnam in April of last year after a long and failed mission.  He couldn't help but look at the numbers of hundreds of thousands wounded and many still missing.  Kid felt the lump in his throat push against his skin recalling his friends who served without him. 

His fingers tugged on his necklace that once carried his army tags.  He was discharged in the 60's after failing his drug tests.  He gritted his teeth picturing Alistair's smirking face while shaking the bottle.  Alistair ruined the life Kid spent decades trying to amend through discipline, hard work, and service over a few drinks.    The music faded around him when the shop owner closed the door, turning the "out for lunch" sign over.

Yeah, why don't one of you people
A-come on and set me free?

He stood outside unable to hear the muffled music with his past ringing through his ears. Kid came back to New Orleans after his dishonourable discharge.   He and the Death Ramps have been working closely with authorities to keep the peace between witches and werewolves.  A few werewolf gangs started trafficking drugs.  Kid gave them a fair warning, but with America's hiatus on The War on Drugs, he didn't want his home to attract any attention from other gangs .

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