Chapter 1: I feel like the sequel

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Let's goooooo.   I posted in my stories on Instagram the cast  and what they look like ❤️ hot guy summer is gonna be this book.


Bourbon Street, New Orleans

Outside of Marie Laveau's House Of Voodoo, Alistair leaned against his 2019 Jaguar F Type convertible.  The car, impeccable, black and luminous against the sun rays, caught the attention of the all in the bustling street in the heart of the French Quarter.

A group of girls walked by smiling in his direction but Alistair couldn't care less as his arm wrapped around Stella who stood by his side lost in conversations with Marcus. The girls' eyes didn't know where to gaze, but they lingered on Alistair.   With his other hand in pocket, he faced the shop.  His dark burgundy t-shirt hugging his body.  His silver belt buckle shone in the daylight holding up his body hugging black jeans.  His dark pointy boots just as polished as his slicked back dark hair.  A few strands fell out of place from the heat.

His pouty lips curled up smiling, catching a glimpse of his reflection next to Stella against the shop's window.  His eyes lit up behind his aviators.   He chuckled to himself, eyeing her stained jeans.  She wore a sleeveless top and wrapped a shirt around her jeans hiding the rest of the stains.  He recalled all the times Stella spilled her food and drinks on herself during their two day trip from Los Angeles to New Orleans.    But nothing made him laugh more than watching her gasp and apologize to Kid when she stepped out of the car and spilled her morning coffee all over his shirt. 

Classic fucking Stella, he thought to himself smirking and shaking his head slowly.  

Marcus was pulled into a pastry shop by Nathaniel and Jackson.  Stella turned to look up at Alistair.  She saw him staring at the shop as they all waited for Kid who went in to buy a shirt instead of rummaging through his packed bags.  Stella looked up to the sign and back to Alistair.  Her mind raced furrowing her brows.  Alistair shook his head hearing her.

"Don't think about that sweetheart.  I told you it's fine."  He turned to her pressing his lips into a warm smile. 

Stella sighed.  "You promised you wouldn't read my thoughts."  Alistair pulled her in kissing her forehead and pulled back to look down at her.

"Last one."  He snorted chuckling.  Stella rolled her eyes.  He has been saying that for a year.  Stella gazed to the ground and back up at him with a worried look in her eyes.

"I know you tell me it's fine, but I just have a feeling all this---"  She looked around and pointed her chin to the shop.  "--and standing outside this place right now---I just have a feeling it'll make things harder for you."

Alistair furrowed his brows and gazed to the ground.  He clenched his jaw stretching the skin along his sharp features.  "Stella-- I'm so sorry I hurt you---it won't happen again."

Stella moved out of his reach and stood in front of him.  "No no---don't think about that.  I understand why it happened and I know it wasn't really you.  If you don't believe me, read my mind.  I get it Alistair, I really do."

Alistair looked up at her searching her sincere eyes.   Since his chain broke a year ago, the nightmares haven't stopped.   They felt more real with each passing nightmare.  Visions of people he killed, people he toyed with haunted him in his dreams.  But it wasn't just his.  Whomever Marie hurt, killed, or manipulated came to him in his dreams. 

He leaned away and forward  from the car and brought his arms around Stella hugging her tightly.  She leaned into his chest, turning her head, resting her cheek against him.  He turned kissing her head, his lips lingering in place. 

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