"Hayashi-san," Midoriya's sweet voice broke through her whirlwind of thoughts and she looked at him to see him looking slightly concerned, "Are you okay? You don't look too well."

The class began moving into the building. She gave a tight smile to the boy, "Yeah. I'm fine."

For some reason, he didn't look convinced and his lips parted to prod more but was distracted by the view that greeted them within the building. It was vast, incredibly attractive to the eye and incredibly fascinating. There were multiple areas with different terrains, different weathers - it was incredibly advanced and exciting to see but even with this beautiful view, the feeling in the pit of her stomach continued to grow. Her skin prickled and tingled. The feeling was getting worse.

"This is a practical training area I created," a voice spoke up from up front and her gaze flicked towards the figure in a puffy spacesuit, "To simulate all kinds of accidents and disasters. It's name is the Unforseen Simulation Joint!"

Midoriya's earlier concern for the girl had long vanished as he exclaimed in giddy excitement, "It's space hero number thirteen!"

Arisa was familiar with all pro heroes. After all, once upon a time, it was her job to take them all down.

She couldn't pay attention. Her senses were all over the place. Her ears were ringing at this point and adrenaline rushed through her veins. She felt like striking someone but at the same time, she wanted to run. She hated this feeling. The 'fight or flight' response. It made her incredibly uncomfortable. It felt like an unreachable itch. She couldn't help but scratch her arms nervously and her fidgeting didn't go unnoticed.

"What's wrong with you?"

She glanced to the side and to her surprise, it was the quiet male, Todoroki Shoto. He looked at her with sharp, unfriendly eyes but she could see curiosity within them as well.

She didn't answer him. She couldn't. She was about to have a nervous breakdown. She wanted to flee, away from danger.

"Hey," she felt a hand on her shoulder and eyes flicked towards the left to see her guardian, "What's wrong? I could feel your shaking all the way over there."

He approached her just as everyone else moved forward. She shook his head, "I'm telling you, something is going to -"

"Hey, what is that? Has the simulation started already?"

Aizawa and Arisa's heads snapped forward, eyes beyond the large staircase where a black dot grew and grew, large enough and a face creepily emerged from the darkness. Arisa's face hardened as she met eyes with Aizawa and they shared the same glaring thought at that very moment.

I was right.

He turned to her urgently, his body's already itching to rush forward, hands on his goggles, "Whatever you do, do not fight. Stay with the others!"

She didn't have time to give a respond because he was already rushing forward, past the others and yelling, "Do not move. Those are real villains!"

Someone up front stuttered, "What - v - villains?!"

Yaoyoruzu questioned, "Sensei, what about the intruder alarm sensors?!"

She was jittery at this point. Flashes of blue enveloping her hands as she itched to jump into battle. Bloodthirst. That was what she had and she was having trouble suppressing it but the other side of her, the rational side of her that was moulded through years of therapy knew that she should listen to Aizawa and evacuate the area before the villains could get their filthy claws on them.

"Number Thirteen, do the evacuation procedure and try calling the school," Aizawa stood at the top of the staircase, shoulders tense, "These villains know how to get around the sensors so there must be an electrowave type guy who interfered with the sensors," he turned to Kaminari Denki who looked surprised at the sudden attention, "You. Try using your quirk and contact UA."

Midoriya stepped forward just as Aizawa's hair began defying gravity along with his capture weapon around his neck, "Sensei, are you going to fight them alone? Even if you can suppress their quirks, there are so many of them - eh?"

She moved forward and grabbed Midoriya's wrist, stopping him from underestimating her guardian any further before giving her guardian a nod, "I trust you'll come back safe, sensei."

He gave her a curt nod, "Stay with the others."

Thirteen began leading them all away and amidst this panic, Midoriya asked, "Who's Aizawa sensei to you? He's always so attentive towards you."

She gave him a look, "Really? Right now?"

He was about to respond when their exit was blocked by the warp gate. Even with her eyes covered, she could see that the warp gate was a man and he let the dark smoke spread to cover his true body. The students froze in fear and she could see clearly that Midoriya tensed up beside her. She grabbed his hand and usually, he'd blush but at this moment, he returned the gesture, squeezing her callused hand out of pure fear and anxiety.

Kill him. Kill him, right now, Arisa!

Every single fibre in her body screamed at her to kill the villain, remove him from the field because she was aware that this man posed the most threat but she couldn't use her quirk. She promised her guardian. She promised that she wouldn't fight so she stood firm, listening to the villain's ridiculous tauntings and speech. She gripped Midoriya's hand tighter, trying to keep her grounded because she needed something to hold onto because if she didn't, she would have jumped right on ahead and break her promise with Aizawa.

"I'm afraid I can't allow you to leave," the villain spoke, "Greetings. We are the League of Villains. I apologize for the presumption but we took it upon ourselves to enter UA academy, the base of heroes in order to engage with All Might, the Symbol of Peace. We were wondering if we might be allowed to extinguish him, you see."

Now that the villain mentioned it, Arisa realized that All Might was nowhere to be seen.

She could feel everyone's fear. It was one of her quirk's traits. It was ovewhelming but she survived far worse than this.

"... This is my role -"


"Ah, shit."

She acted without thinking. The villain spoke so leisurely as if it held all the cards. It bothered her - irritated her, even. Without thinking, she had flung the villain over their heads, sending him crashing down below, away from the flight of stairs and into the fountain where they had emerged. Arisa knew she broke her promise but there won't be a promise if they were all dead.

Eyes fell on her, surprised. Including Thirteen. Arisa threw them an irritated glare, rushing them, "Is this really the time to be surprised? Go!"

They quickly ran towards the exit but perhaps it was because it had been three years since she had experienced situations like these. Whatever it was, she had gotten sloppy because next thing she knew, she was falling into a black abyss with the last thing she saw was Midoriya, reaching out just as he was sucked into the portal himself.

I messed up.

I'm not who I used to be. I should have knocked the villain out. Not fling him away.

Sorry, Aizawa-san.

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