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Vicky walked out of the cave to see that Jacob was waiting for her

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Vicky walked out of the cave to see that Jacob was waiting for her. She looked at him confused on why he did that only for him to answer her not-asked question for her.

"Take a walk with me?" Jacob asks

"Where?" Vicky asks with her arms crossed

"It's a surprise. I just want you to go on a walk with me." Jacob tells her

Vicky smiled and took his hand, that he had handed out to her, and they began to make their way wherever it was they were going. They walked for a while, before they were met with a sight that got Jacob's nerves up. It was a spot in the woods close to the border with fairy lights in the trees. She smiled at him making him smile, glad she liked the view. He lead her over to the spot and sat down and helped her sit down next to him.

"I like it here! How'd you find this place?" Vicky asked him

"I was on patrol one day and I found it. Thought it would be a good place for a date with someone special." Jacob told her

Jacob looked at her to which she blushed and looked away. He shook his head as he didn't want her to be shy.

"Don't do that." Jacob told her

He turned her head towards him and smiled at her. He wrapped his arm around her, making her feel safe.

"So, tell me is Vicky your actual name?" Jacob asked her

"Vicky is a nickname for my first name." Vicky told him

"Which is?" Jacob asked with intentions to know

"Victoria. However, since I joined the shulk and been friends with Fawn since we were kits, I have been called Vicky and it stuck." Vicky told him with a shrug

"It's a pretty name, your original one. Is it ok, if I call you Victoria?" Jacob asked

Vicky winced, "I think it will cause controversy, especially because of that human drinker vampire around."

Jacob nodded in understanding and they looked out at the view in the sky. It was a sunset and it was beautiful.


Everyone soon calmed down and finally let Bella, Elena, and everyone else inside. Bella and Elena stood next to each other with smiles as if nothing they were doing was bad. Edward had his arms wrapped around Fawn's waist as she had her hands on his chest. Caroline, Bonnie, Matt, Jeremy, and Tyler stood next to eachother away from the two sisters and the vampire family. Kettu and Kit stood close by to Edward and Fawn.

"Now that we are done being dramatic, I am Elena Gilbert. I am Bella's older sister, only by a year. We are half sisters as we have the same mother but different father's. I know, weird, but that was how it worked. Jeremy is my brother but he is in no relation to Bella." Elena tells everyone

Jeremy held his hand up in an awkward wave as he held Bonnie's hand. He didn't like all the attention his sister was bringing to him and everyone.

"He's a hunter who kills supernatural creatures, but he won't kill you guys. Caroline is a vampire but a different kind, Bonnie is a witch, Tyler is a werewolf, and Matt is human but he knows about the supernatural life." Elena explains everyone

"Also didn't you tell me that Damon and Stefan are vampires too?" Bella asked her half sister

Elena smiled and nodded making Jeremy roll his eyes at the mention of the two vampires. Elena looked at Fawn and began walking towards her with a smirk.

"Hello, Fawn! It's been a while since we last seen each other since you left Mystic Falls to come to this rainy and dark town." Elena told her

Fawn pulled away from Edward with a light smile, "It has."

"Tell me, what is it like to steal a girls boyfriend?" Elena glared

Fawn looked over Elena's shoulder to see Bella smirking at her. She thought she was so smart to do this but she was wrong.

"What's it to you?" Fawn asked crossing her arms with a glare

"It' really messed up that you stole someone's boyfriend, in this case, my sister's." Elena told her with a annoyed look

"She didn't steal him!" Rosalie yelled

"Stay out of it! This is between us!" Bella scowls gesturing to herself, Elena, and Fawn

Rosalie went to attack her when Emmett held her back and Fawn held her hand up, stopping her from going to attack. Elena smirked at this and looked back at Fawn as she held a not scared at all expression.

"You know, I think it's best you go back to where you come from. Oh wait, you can't. Want to know something, I was the one who told the werewolves where to go to slaughter almost all of your shulk." Elena told her with a fake sympathy pout

Kit and Kettu looked at her with anger as Fawn's whole mood changed making Kettu stalk towards Elena with anger. Bella looked at her sister with wide eyes as she didn't know she was the one who did that. She kind of felt bad for Fawn and her family for the problems she caused,  along with the problem Elena caused.

Kit place a hand on his arm hesitantly, "Wait! We can't do anything or something will happen."

Kettu relaxed at his mates touch as tears fell down Fawn's face.

Elena chuckled darkly, "It was so easy for me to do it! I immediately told them your location and they attacked just like that! Your pack must have done something to make them upset!"

"Elena! Why would you do that?" Bonnie asked her with dismay

Everyone, except Bella and Elena, held sad expressions as they noticed how sad Fawn and the Foxen's were. Edward went to grab Fawn's hand to calm her down, only for her to dodge it as she shifted and ran out of the house. Edward frowned as he looked to her parents who were looking at Elena with a glare.

"This is a disaster." Emmett whispered to Rosalie and his siblings

"I know. I haven't gotten any visions about what happens next and it's stressing me out." Alice whispered to them

"Do you know why?" Jasper whispered

Alice sighed and shook her head, "No. All we have to do is wait."


1048 words

Do you think Bella and Edward were an ideal relationship?

Sorry for not posting in this book as much, I have been dealing with a lot of writers block with this one and some of the other books. I should be writing in the rest again. Love you guys!

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