"Yeah.. They're the most popular freshmen in all of crownlake right now. It's honestly stupid the way everyone's fawning over them, they're just plastic rich girls.." Zach said with a roll of his eyes both our eyes still looking at them.
"Wow.. you know they're also popular outside of school.. They're big time influencers.." I added..
"Whatever, I have more things to worry about than spoilt rich brats acting like prissy princesses.." Zach insulted scrolling through his phone causing me to laugh.
I looked back at them to see Derin's head rested on Naomi's shoulder as she played with his hair talking animatedly with her friends. He was already part of the group, I could clearly see it.. We might be best friends but right now there was a huge gap between us socially and that alone scared me..
I was already starting to loose him to popular crowd..
His eyes suddenly met mine as they gazed at me with such intensity causing my heart rate to increase with each passing minute before he finally gave me a small smile before looking away..
We were cool.. even if things right now were very different, we'll get through it..
But I still wished he was seated right here with me.. teasing me and being annoying as usual trying to get me to smile.. I missed my best friend.
"Tami, what do you think we should do about the stage in Humanities auditorium? I honestly think it's too small.." Zach suddenly said snapping me out of my thoughts as he looked up from his phone awaiting my answer..
"Oh, uhm let's just do whatever you think is right" I answered absentmindedly causing him to give me a strange look going back to what he was doing on his phone as I turned to glance back at Derin..
Kemi and I texted back and forth on WhatsApp as I told her everything that was going on with me, Derin, Naomi.. I've missed her and I needed her more than ever right now. I was currently in my dorm, lying right on my bed with my phone in my hands. Desola wasn't around since she had dance practice so I was all alone.
"So you're saying that you and Derin almost kissed?" Kemi sent..
"Yeah kems and what's worse is that I was going to allow it! I don't know what else to do babe.. it's not fair to tony, if I keep on acting like this" I typed sending it to her..

"It's really not tami.. Tony honestly likes you and you can't let what you and Derin have going on ruin it.. you just can't tami" she replied.
"Then what do you want me to do? I thought that dating tony will help me move on, but it's just way worse.." I sent feeling frustrated about my current emotions.

"Why don't you talk to tony about this?" She sent causing me to widen my eyes in shock..
"Are you crazy?!! You want me to hurt him? He wasn't sure about dating me in the first place because of this issue and you want me to tell him that I'm currently having mixed feelings concerning our relationship.." I replied immediately
"Yeah that's a bad idea, don't say anything to him.." she sent back
" I wasn't planning to in the first place sef.."
"Alright, but we honestly need to figure out something to help your situation babe.." she sent..

"I know.. help meee!" I begged.
"Do you know he's dating Naomi again?" I sent
"Are you serious?! I thought he ended it with her.." she replied..
"He did, but recently she's being begging him to take her back and he decided to.. they're honestly one of the hottest couples on campus right now" I explained..
"Wow.. just wow, how're you handling this babe? I know.. you get really sensitive when it comes to both of them.." she sent sounding really concerned..
"It honestly hasn't been easy for me but.. I have no choice, it's not his fault that I feel what I feel for him"
"Is it though?.." she reasoned..

"Maybe I'm feeling this way because I haven't seen tony in a while now.. so my emotions are wavering.. cos I miss him" I sent trying to make myself believe..
"Hmm that could be true too o, you're not used to this long distance thing so it's affecting you and since you and Derin are in the same school, your feelings for him are starting to slowly resurface" Kemi replied her reasoning making sense..
"You're right.. I'm just feeling this way cos I miss him and distracted.. and I know just how to fix it" I sent back
"And how's that?" She replied

"I'm going to invite him for my freshman orientation.." I said finally making up my mind..
"Alright babe, you do you okay.. I have to go, I have a class" Kemi replied making me smile..
"Okay.. We'll talk later.. bye kems"  I sent before she finally went offline..

I immediately opened up Tony's chat as I texted him "Hey baby, I'm inviting you for my freshman orientation.. if you aren't busy, you really should come.. cos I miss you alot".
I gave a sigh to that dropping my phone hoping he says yes to my invite and that things go according to plan cos if it doesn't then I'm fucked!.

Sooooo that happened.. Tami is starting to have mixed feelings concerning her relationship with tony..
Do you think her plan is going to work or is she just being stupid and acting too much in her feelings..
I feel it's the latter cos.. what she feels for Derin isn't exactly stable but who am I to talk?
It's actually up to you readers.. hehehe
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