Chapter 8||The Philippines and clothes shopping

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The four of us drag the countries to some stands. People looked at is in shock seeing the old countries alive. Especially dad. A lot of people thanked him for saving the country.

Indo ate A lot of cotton candy and he went to sugar rush. Vietnam had to dump a bucket of cold water to get him back to normal. And now we're in the Grand mall of Asia!

Malay - Welp,were here.

Indo - Let's go get some clothes for these oldies.

KKK - Um,I don't trust this.

Philip - Oh,don't worry! Beside! It's my country!

Perla - Have a little trust,Kati. If our daughter can drive this 'bus' I'm sure our son can lead us here.

KKK - Fine.


Viet - Oh,no. It's happening again.

Malay - Might,as well get some sharpeners.

Philip - And,why are we getting them.

Viet - Nevada kidnapped L'manburg's kids again. And she will probably throw a fit.

Philip - Oh,alright. Indo I trust you with their clothes. See ya!

Indonesia's POV

As the three of them left I turnt to the old countries. I already know what to give them.

Indo - Alright! Let's go to the clothing store!

I then drag them all to the clothing section.

I started with Austria-Hungry. I check him twice to make sure what I'm getting is right. When I got my idea I rushed to get the clothes. I got a half-red half-green long sleeve shirt,I also got him a white t-shirt to top the the long slevee shirt. Brown cargo pants a Dark red jacket to put on his hip,and Adidas shoes.

A.H - Are you sure about this kind of clothing?

Indo - Yep! Now go get in those clothes and make German Empire go 'whoooo'.

German.E - What's that supposed to mean?

I shoved Austria-Hungryin the dressing room. It took a few minutes for him to come out and when he did he be looking real good,yo! I could tell German Empire is blushing right now.

Indo - See! You look good!

A.H - I suppose I do. You picked the right ones. It isn't too tight or too lose just the right one.

Indo - Yep! Next is miss Perla!

I then again took Philip's mom and double check. I took a off-shoulder long sleeve pink shirt,it's a little baggy at the end of the sleeves but it's probaly the design. Mom jeans,cause ya know. She's a mom. And sandals.

She took the clothes and changed. When she got out she looks fabulous!

Perla - Well? What do you think?

KKK - You look lovely,mahal.

Indo - Lovely?! She's fabulous!

Perla - Aw,thank you. Philip really did get good friends.

Indo - Next person!


It took a while but everyone eventually got their clothes. And they a look amazing!

Indo - You all are looking great!

F.Thai - Why,thank you.

Russian.E - It isn't that bad.

Indo - Now that that's done,let's go pay.

German.E - How are you going to do that. I checked the prize and it's very expensive.

Indo - L'manburg gave me a no limit credit card. She knows how much I spend every time I go clothes shopping let's go.

We arrived at the counter and the clerk looked at me with a 'What the fuck' face. I'm sure it isn't that bad.

Clerk - Sir,are you sure you want to buy this. It really expensive.

Indo - Yes,I do.

Clerk - Alright,don't say I didn't warn you.

We waited for a while and then the payment said $31,580 pesos. Not a problem!

Clerk - *cocky* Well what a shame. Your pay is very big. Well we take cash or credit.

Indo - Here you go.

The clerk looked at me surprised before taking the cars out of my hands. Ha,bitch. Never under estimate the Indonesian.


"You are never alone.........-Katty Perri"

Word Count - 1077


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