Y/N tilted her head to place kisses along Camila's neck, her fingers still stroking her exposed skin. "Baby..." Camila sighed. "We can't right now."

"Says who?" Y/N mumbled against her skin.

"Says me...and my glam team." Camila moaned softly when Y/N bit her neck gently. "Y/N...stop..." Another bite. Her fingers started to slide over towards Camila's center. "Y/N...I'm serious, no."

That did it. Y/N pulled away immediately. Camila tended to say 'stop' a lot but it didn't hold a lot of meaning. In fact, Y/N had stopped in the past, only to be scolded by Camila for stopping. But 'no'? That was the one word that would always make Y/N stop everything immediately and Camila knew that. "I promise, when we get back, we can. Okay?"

Y/N smirked. "Okay." She kissed Camila gently, reveling in the taste and feeling of her soft lips. After pulling away, Y/N made her way to the door and held it open for Camila.

As the young Latina walked by, she slid her fingers across Y/N's chest and rasped, "Maybe I'll even let you use our new toy." She winked before walking out and down the hallway, leaving behind a very dumbfounded, and horny, girlfriend.


Y/N's P.O.V.

After Camila and I went our separate ways—I had to leave around the back to avoid the fans gathered out front—we began our journey to the venue. "Are you ready?" Alexxis asked from her seat across from me in the large black SUV.

"Yeah, sure." I nodded, my elbow on the door handle and my fingers toying with my lip. My leg was bouncing and my heart rate slightly high.

"You don't sound it."

"I'm fine." I waved her off. "I just have to use the bathroom." Alexxis gave me a knowing look and sighed.

"Alright." She breathed out.


My door was opened for me once I arrived at the venue and I stepped out, helping Alexxis out as well. "Okay, so you're gonna stop for a couple interviews, one with Extra and one with E News. Then, of course, the carpet hosts." She rushed out as we made our way to the start of the carpet. "Be vague and tease the album like we discussed."

"Okay, got it." I have her a thumbs up before being directed to step in front of the flashing lights. My name was called from all directions and I felt my brain shut off as my body went into autopilot. I expertly looked toward each camera and altered my poses as I went. In the back of my mind, I kept thinking about how much I wanted to be posing here with Camila.

After finishing up two of my three interviews, I approached Chelsea Briggs from E News. She had just finished up with Fifth Harmony and I wanted to catch up with them. "Y/N! Hi!" She greeted in her usual enthusiastic manner, giving me a hug.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm good! But let's not talk about me, let's talk about the album you just announced! Give us all the details on Tickets To My Downfall! What's your favorite track?" She asked, her smile bright as camera flashes reflected off of it.

"That's a hard question," I laughed, shoving one hand into my pants pocket, the other holding the mic she had given me. "I'm really excited for a track called 'gay 4 me'. It's different from my usual sound, well this whole album is, but this one even more so. I think it's gonna be a lot of fun to perform." The rest of the interview went by fairly quickly as I answered what I had to, trying to get out of there. Finally, she concluded the interview and we said our goodbyes.

I quickly walked over to where some fans had lined up by the doors and signed some things as I kept moving to where Camila was. I found her standing with a few girls and taking a few pictures. "Y/N! Can I get a picture?"

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