Chapter 29: 2019

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December 14

I was looking through the clothing racks at one of the stores in the mall, shopping for some final baby items when a sharp pain shot through my abdomen. I let out a small grunt and placed my hand softly on my stomach.

"Y/n, you okay?" Sam asked, walking over to me with a concerned expression.

I nodded and flashed him a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. She's just internally beating me up." I let out a short laugh.

"Are you sure?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm fine, Sam." I brushed him off and he walked back over to Bucky.

I took the items that I found up to the check out counter. Bucky paid for the items and took the bag before I could grab it.

"You know you can let me carry things every once and a while, right?" I assured, cocking an eyebrow as we walked out of the store.

"You're carrying our baby and I'm going to do everything in my power to make it as comfortable and stress free as possible." He smiled cutely, slipping his hand around mine and locking his fingers between mine.

I gave his hand a small squeeze and we continued on walking to the next store.

Bucky and Sam split off to go to a store while Steve and I went to a different one. I picked up a pale blue onsie that caught my eye and held it up to Steve.

"Look, it's got you on it!" I teased, laughing while grinning widely. "And there's Sam with his little bird wings."

He stared at me unamused before cracking a small smile and taking it from my hands.

My grin fell when another pain spiked in my stomach. I groaned slightly louder than last time and placed my hand back on my bump. My eyes widened a bit as a warm liquid trickled down my leg that was exposed by the dress I was wearing.

"Y/n?" Steve asked, placing a hand on my arm.

"Oh no." I muttered, looking down at the small puddle that was now at my feet.

"What's going on?" Steve asked putting the onsie back down on the display shelf.

"It's time." I looked up at him, my eyes showing my panic. "My water just broke."

He froze before quickly snapping himself out of it and pulling his phone out of his pocket. He tapped the screen a few times before holding out in front of him and clicking it again. His hand moved to my upper back, gently resting against my jacket as we walked out of the store.

"Everything okay?" Bucky's concerned voice rang through the speaker of Steve's phone.

"Y/n's water broke." Steve spoke, trying to internalize his panic.


"What's wrong?" Sam asked.

"Y/n's water broke. The baby's coming." Bucky stated.

"Shit." I could hear the wind whipping against Bucky's end of the phone and collective thump of his and Sam's pattering footsteps before the call ended.

It wasn't a minute before we saw them running at full speed from the other side of the mall, earning confused glances from everyone they were passing.

"Get out of the way! He's got a baby on the way!" Sam shouted, waving his arms at the people in the middle of their path to get them to move.

I laughed at the sight of the two men running through the mall. Bucky's hair, which was around the same messy length that it was when we were teenagers, was bouncing as he ran. Eventually, they reached us and Bucky grabbed my hand.

"I'm here." He smiled briefly and started to lead me out of the mall. Sam ran in front of us, telling everyone to move to the side while Steve walked behind us, making sure to be close incase I needed help.

We made it out to the parking lot. Since Sam ran ahead while we were walking at my pregnant waddle speed, he had time to pull the car around to the front, making it easier for me. Steve got into the passenger seat as Bucky and I slipped into the back. Sam wasted no time driving off as quickly as possible.

It wasn't long before Sam pulled up to the front of the hospital. Steve got out with me and Bucky while Sam drove off to park the car. We walked up to the front desk the receptionist looked up at us with gentle eyes. Steve and Bucky spoke in the sam panicked tone in unison, their voices blending together at a speed the poor lady couldn't comprehend one bit.

I calmly looked at her and softly spoke. "My water broke about a half hour ago." She smiled and stood up, pushing a wheelchair over to me to let me sit.

A few minutes later I was in a room and Bucky was by my side.

"Sit down, Buck. It's going to be a few before she actually arrives." I grabbed his hand to get him to stop pacing around. My thumb brushed over the back of his hand, calming him a little.

He nodded and sat down in the chair beside the bed.

"I don't know how you're so calm. I'm panicking and I'm not even the one about to deliver a baby." He shook his head.

"Trust me, I'm not doing much better." I laughed.


"You're doing great, Y/n. Just a few more hard pushes." The Dr. Strange spoke.

I nodded and grunted as I pushed as hard as I could. Bucky's hand was probably broken with how hard I was squeezing it. I'm a super soldier but it doesn't really help with the pain of giving birth. Especially if that baby happens to be the product of two super soldiers.

Bucky wiped the sweat off my forehead before kissing it. "You've got this."

After a few minutes, the soft cries of our baby girl filled the room. I let out a breath and let my head fall back onto the pillow as a soft smile spread on my face and tears slipped down my face.

"That hurt like a bitch." I laughed tiredly.

"You did amazing." Bucky whispered softly in my ear.

Soon the cries stopped and the Stephen walked over with our little girl in her arms. "Congratulations, you've got a healthy baby girl." He smiled. "Would you like to hold her?"

I nodded and took her in my arms, sitting up a little to hold her comfortably. I smiled at her small, sleeping face.

I looked up to Bucky who was grinning with a few tears running down his cheeks.

"She's beautiful." He spoke softly. I nodded in agreement.


That night I laid in the hospital bed, admiring our daughter in my arms as Bucky watched with a smile in the chair beside the bed.

"So what name did you guys decide on?" Steve asked.

"Do you wanna tell him?" I asked Bucky.

 He nodded and smiled. "Rebecca Haven Barnes."

"Rebecca?" Sam asked.

"It was my sister's name." Bucky stated quietly, a sad tone in his voice.

I reached over and ran a hand through his hair, flashing him a small smile. He turned his head and kissed my palm.

Sam and Steve stayed for a little longer before visiting hours were over. They said their goodbyes and left, closing the door behind them.

I yawned as I fought to keep my eyes open. Bucky stood up from where he was sitting.

"Get some rest, I'll take her." He stated, gently lifting Rebecca from my arms and holding her in his. "I love you, doll." I smiled sleepily and mumbled a soft 'I love you, too' back as he kissed my forehead.


Next chapter is the last.

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