Chapter 28: 2019

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August: The gender reveal (five months along)

Bucky squeezed my hand lightly as we all walked outside of the cabin and onto the back patio.

"You guys ready?" Steve asked, smiling widely.

We had given Steve the envelope with the gender of our baby in it as soon as we got it, we didn't open it. He had planned a small reveal for us.

I nodded excitedly and we followed him over to the lake. We all stood by the dock, waiting anxiously for Steve to say something else. I looked around and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Where's Sam?" I asked, turning back to Steve for an answer.

He didn't respond, just grinned childishly and looked up to the house. I turned around and found Sam standing on the roof in his Falcon attire.

"What the hell are you doing?" Bucky yelled up to him.

"Helping Steve out! Give me a countdown!" Sam replied, sliding his goggles down so that they covered his eyes.

"Three!" AJ and Cass shouted.

"Two!" Sarah and Steve joined in.

"One!" Bucky and I yelled.

"Zero!" We all shouted in unison.

Sam jumped off the roof and his wings extended, allowing him to soar through the air above us. He let out a whoop and did a few laps around us before hollering down to us.

"Here you go!" He clicked something on his arm band.

Pink powder rained down from above, covering Bucky and I more than everyone else. My smile widened and Bucky laughed. He turned to me and wrapped his arms around me lovingly.

"We're having a girl!" He grinned.

I nodded and leaned up, pressing our lips together softly.

Sam whooped again and landed next to Sarah, joining in on the cheering.

When we pulled away, Bucky took a few steps back before shaking his head. Some of the pink powder flew out of his short hair. I laughed.

Steve came over and congratulated us both, pulling us both into a hug. Sam joined in on the hug, making sure to squeeze Bucky as tight as possible to annoy him. Sarah and her boys soon joined in as well, making it a group hug.


We laid in bed that night. One of Bucky's shirts that five months ago, would have been too big on me, was comfortably wrapped around my baby bump, now fitting almost perfectly except for the small portion of my skin that was poking out of the bottom.

Bucky's hand rested on my stomach as I sat next to him, propping myself up with pillows. His thumb brushed back and forth, tracing patterns into the fabric.

I smiled and lifted the shirt up so that it was bunched up beneath my breasts. Bucky looked up to me, smiling cutely before placing his hand back on my stomach. He leaned closer and pressed his lips to the side of my belly, tickling me with the slight stubble that peppered his jaw.

I laughed and his grin widened. The baby kicked and his face lit up brighter than a Christmas tree. He mumbled a soft 'hi' before looking up at me. I reached down and ran my fingers through his short locks of hair.

"I can't wait to meet her." He spoke softly.

"Me too, Buck." I smiled down at him.


This book will have two more chapters, ending at an even number of 30. I'm getting kind of bored with it so I'm going to end it sooner than I originally planned when I first started writing it.

After this story is over, I will most likely be taking a break from writing books for a little while. I will still be on the app, I just won't be publishing. I've run out of ideas and I feel as though I'm just reusing material I've already used before. I will also still post (hopefully) chapters of my Supernatural Imagines book, but that's about it.


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