Chapter 7: 2012

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My eyes shot open as somone stuck a needle in my arm. I jolted up and swung at the person, my fist making contact with their jaw. I pulled the needle out of my arm and pulled off all the wires attached to my body, standing up in pure rage. My chest rose and fell quickly, matching my breathing.

I looked around the room and took in its appearance. White walls, two small windows covered by pale gray curtains, that same gray on the floors and the trim around the ceiling and door. I could hear the soft sounds of a radio playing from a table across from where I was standing.

The man I punched scrambled to his feet and held up his hands in defence.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked.

"You're in the hospital, miss." He informed, his voice and hands shaking. "You were found beneath the rubble of a destroyed building." My eyes darted around the room as I tried to remember. "You have severe burns along your neck, arms, and torso. To be honest, we have no idea how you're still alive."

I looked around at all the technology and machines laying around the room. "What is all of this stuff?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Last time I checked none of this," I gestured to the machines. "Looked like this yesterday."

"Miss, what year do you think it is?" The man asked.

"It's 1943." I replied.

"Miss, it's 2012."


My mind raced and my eyes darted around the room. The man was talking but I ignored him.

That means Steve and Bucky are...


I ran out of the room and out of the building. The man yelled after me and tried to catch up to me but I was faster.

I ran into the busy street and looked up at the brightly lit screens all around. The cars were honking and everyone was yelling at me to get out of the way. I sprinted down the sidewalk and didn't stop until I ran into someone.

I looked up and was met with an all too familiar face.

No, it can't be him.

"Y/n?" His eyes widened and brimmed with tears.

"Steve?" I breathed out.

He pulled me into a tight embrace. I buried my face into his shirt and wrapped my arms around him.

"I thought you were dead." He spoke, pulling away after a few minutes. "How-"

"I don't know." I shook my head and shrugged.

"How long have you been back?" He asked.

"Like twenty minutes?"

"You're kidding."

"No, there was this guy poking me with needles and wires attached to beeping machines. I punched the guy in the face and ran." I scratched the back of my neck and looked down at my feet, now realizing my lack of shoes. I was only in a simple white shirt and weirdly soft, and extremely comfortable pants.

"Follow me. My apartment isn't that far away." Steve stated.


When we got to Steve's apartment, I took a shower, washing all of the ash and soot from the last 70 years off my body. The warm water relaxed my stiff muscles and I found myself almost falling asleep at the calming sensation.

I got out and dried off before slipping the clothes I woke up in back on, along with a pair of socks Steve gave me. I looked around Steve's apartment after I left the bathroom. It was different from what I was used to. It was fancier, cleaner than the ones in the forties.

Everyone dressed different as well. Women didn't have to wear dresses and skirts.

This was definitely going to take some getting used to.

Steve came up behind me and handed me a steaming mug. I took it and sat down in the armchair by the couch he was now sitting on.

"Shouldn't you be like...old and wrinkly right now? How do you still look 20?" I asked.

"Similar to what happened to you. I took a plane down and landed it in the water not too long after I lost you. I was frozen up until last year." He informed.

"What about...What about Bucky? Is he..." I stopped, not wanting to finish the sentence. Steve sighed and shook his head. I gulped and felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. "What happened?"

"We were on a mission on this train. He was knocked off by one of the enemy soldiers...he didn't make it." He sniffed and took a drink of his coffee.

"I'm going to need some lessons on like everything." I laughed, trying to change the subject. "Everything is so different. It's crazy."

Steve smiled. "I'll help you out. It's not all that hard if you have someone to guide you. I had people who helped me figure it out."

"I see you got an upgrade." I gestured to the sheild. "Are you still good ol' Captain America?"

He nodded and let out a breathly laugh. "Yeah, I couldn't go without not helping people."

"You at least got a better suit right?"

"Same colors, less tights."

"Good, those tights were not a good look." I teased.

He scoffed and shook his head before standing up. "What do you say we go get you some clothes?"

I smiled and nodded.

At least I still have Steve.

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