Chapter 4: 1943

211 11 15

Y/n: 25
Steve: 25

"War continues to ravage Europe. But help is on the way. Every able-bodied young man is lining up to serve his country. Even little Timmy is doing his part, collecting scrap metal. Nice work, Timmy!" The man on the screen spoke.

"Who cares?" A young man's voice sounded from the row in front of Steve and I. "Play the movie already!"

"Hey, you wanna show some respect?" Steve said.

"Meanwhile, overseas, our brave boys are showing the Axis powers that the price of freedom is never too high." The man on the screen continued.

"Let's go! Get on with it!" The young man shouted again, turning the heads of most of the people in the theater."Hey, just start the cartoon!"

"Hey, you wanna shut up?" I questioned leaning forward a bit to make sure he heard me. As soon as I did, the young man stood up and turned around. Steve slumped down into his seat and gulped. I just stood up and glared at him with cold eyes.

He laughed and looked to Steve. "You wanna get your girl?"

"Don't talk about her like that." He growled.

"Or what? You gonna fight me, string bean?" The other man scoffed.

Next thing we knew, we were in the back alley behind the theater and Steve was getting his ass kicked. I marched up to the man and slammed my hand into the side of his jaw. He stumbled back as I helped Steve to his feet.

"You just don't know when to give up, do you?" He asked, still glaring at Steve.

"I can do this all day." Steve stated, raising his fists and getting into a fighting stance.

 The man tried to throw another punch at him but I stopped it. I caught his fist with my hand, which hurt a lot more than I thought it would, and twisted his wrist back. He growled and used his free hand to slap me across the face.

"Hey!" Bucky's voice sounded from a few feet beside me. He landed a few punches on the guy before literally kicking his ass and telling him to get lost. "Pick on someone your own size." The man limped away from us and left the alley.

"I was handling that." I stated, catching my breath.

Bucky just sighed and put a finger under my chin, tipping my head up and to the side to get a closer look at the red handprint on my face. I slapped his hand away, muttering an 'I'm fine.'

It wasn't until then I noticed his uniform.

"You get your orders?" Steve asked.

"The 107th. Sergeant James Barnes, shipping out for England first thing tomorrow." Bucky informed with a nod of his head.

I sighed, forcing a smile to hide the pain I was actually feeling. I didn't want him to leave, but there was no stopping it. He never told me when he enlisted, just that he would be leaving soon. Steve tried to enlist several times, nobody would take him however. He was too skinny and nobody believed he could fight or would be able to do anything to help the country like he wanted.

In a way, I was greatful for Steve not being taken in. I wouldn't have Bucky, but I would still have Steve.

"Cheer up. I'll be back before you know it." Bucky smiled as he threw an arm over my shoulders before doing the same to Steve.

We walked out of the alley as my mind raced with worry.

Little did I know, that entire time, someone was watching me from the street.


"Bucky, why are we here?" Steve groaned, walking down the steps beside me and Bucky.

"Come on, it's my last night in Brooklyn. Let's have some fun." Bucky grinned widely and nudged Steve with his elbow.

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