Chapter 23: 2016

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A week later...

I sat in the cushioned chair as I waited for Bucky to finish packing up his things. He was getting discharged from the hospital today and had just finished signing papers. I was free to take him home whenever he had all of his belongings and was ready to go.

"That's everything." He smiled, slinging the strap of his backpack over his shoulder. He grabbed his crutches, that were leaning against the wall, and walked over to me.

I placed a short kiss to his lips and took his bag from him.

"I can carry that, you know." He laughed as we walked out of the room. "My leg is broken, I still have two working shoulders."

"Yeah, but it makes it harder for you to navigate with the extra weight on your back." I stated as we neared where my car was parked.

He sighed and I unlocked the car, tossing his bag into the back seat before helping him get in the passenger side. I got in shortly after, starting the car and pulling out onto the street.

"So I was thinking," I started, not removing my eyes from the road. "We pick up dinner on the way home. Your choice. Then, we just relax the rest of the night and watch movies."

Bucky smiled softly. "That sounds amazing, but don't you have to work."

I shook my head. "Nope. I took the week off. One of the perks of being my own boss now."

He nodded in acknowledgement before starting to wiggle around in his seat.

"What are you doing?" I asked, amusement in my voice.

"My leg itches and this damn cast won't let me scratch it." He whined, wiggling around some more as I laughed.

We picked up the food and headed back to our apartment. I helped Bucky into the building and up to our apartment.

I sat the food down on the kitchen island as Bucky waddled around me, trying to grab plates and proper utensils.

"La naiba." (Damn it) He muttered under his breath as the fork that was once in his hand, threw itself onto the floor.

I placed a hand on his lower back and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Go into our room and pick a movie. I've got this." I flashed him a smile and he sighed before nodding.

He kissed my forehead before waddling into the bedroom. A few minutes later, I followed after him, food and drinks in hand.

We ate and watched movies for the rest of the night. Towards the end of the third movie, Bucky's head fell to my shoulder, his face relaxed and his lips parted as he silently slept. I smiled and rested my head on top of his, going to sleep not too long after.


Really short chapter because I'm running out of ideas.


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