Chapter 8: 2014

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I slid the glass down the length of the counter. It stopped in front of the man who requested the drink. He flashed me a quick smile in thanks before picking it up and taking a sip, his face contorting at the bitterness.

He quickly downed the rest of the drink and tipped the glass upside-down on the counter. He tossed some money next to the glass as he stood up from his stool and slipped his wallet back into his back pocket. He gave me a slight nod and smile before walking out the door.

I walked over and flipped the sign that was hanging on it to the 'closed' side before walking back behind the counter.

"Hey, Y/n?" My coworker, Ian, asked. He was in his early twenties and always wore a bright smile on his face. He had bright blue eyes that lit up when the light hit them and his black button up shirt made them pop even more. His short-ish brown hair laid messily on top his head and stuck up slightly.

"Yeah?" I turned around to look at him, a confused expression playing on my face.

"Would you maybe like to stay a while and have a drink with me?" He asked.

"Like a date?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"...Yeah. I mean, it doesn't even have to be a date. We can just hang out." He smiled.

I laughed at his awkward demeanor and thought about it for a second. I knew him well. He started working at the bar shortly after I did. I showed him the ropes and we quickly became friends. Not as good of friends as Steve and I, but close.

"Sure." I replied with a small smile.

"Sure as in 'Sure I'll go on a date with you' or Sure as in 'Sure I'll hang out?'"

"Sure as in 'Sure I'll go on a date with you'." I laughed.

"Yes!" He whisper yelled, pumping his fist in the air.

It wasn't too long after, I was sitting at one of the two-seated tables, pressing a glass to my lips and laughing with Ian.

"Remember how clumsy you were on your first day?" I laughed.

"Oh, God. Don't bring that up." His face grew red and he shook his head. "I thought I was so cool. Who knew flipping an almost full bottle of Whiskey would be so difficult?"

"The customers got a kick out of it though."

"Not the guy who ordered Whiskey! That was the last bottle!" He laughed and took a drink from his beer.

"He wanted to kill you."

"That man really wanted that Whiskey."

I finished off my drink and Ian stood up, grabbing my glass and his empty bottle.

"Beer this time?" He asked. I nodded.

He placed the bottle down on the table in front of me before sitting back down.

We talked for a while after until calling it a night. Ian was slightly tipsy, whereas I was showing no signs of even drinking. Courtesy of the blue serum that was coursing through my veins.

"We should do this again some time." I stated, smiling brightly. "I had fun."

"Me too." He returned the smile and grabbed his keys out of his jeans pocket, his eyes shining brightly in the moonlight. He gave me a quick hug. "Drive safe."

"You too."

He got into his car, as did I. I drove back to my apartment and unlocked the door, closing it behind me after going inside. I slipped off my shoes and tossed my keys onto the counter, heading into the bathroom that was connected to my bedroom.

I stripped off my clothes and hopped into the shower. The warm water soothed my tensed muscles and I sighed at the relaxation it brought. I washed my hair and body, rinsing the soap off before getting out and wrapping a towel around my body.

I put on a bra and underwear, along with a slightly oversized t-shirt. I sat in bed and pulled the blankets up to my waist. I picked up my phone and called Steve.

"Hello?" He picked up after a while. His voice was groggy and deeper than usual.

"Were you asleep?" I asked.

"Yeah." He mumbled.

"Damn, old man. It's not even that late."

"One, we are the same age, Y/n. Two, it's almost three in the morning."

"It is?" I didn't even realize it was that late. Was I really out that long with Ian?

"What did you need?"

I shifted myself so that I was laying on my back while looking up at the ceiling. "Do ever wonder if somehow Bucky is still alive?" I asked.

"All the time," He paused. "What about you?"


There was a long break in conversation. Steve sniffed before speaking again, "So, how was work? You sound pretty awake, did you just get home?"

"It was good. I got back about an hour ago." I yawned. "You know Ian, right?"

"That blue eyed kid that you work with?"

"He's not a kid, but yeah, that's him."

"What about him?"

"I had a few drinks with him tonight."

"Like a date?"


"That's great, Y/n. I'm glad to see you getting out there."

I laughed. "I'm going to bed. 'Night, Old Man America."

"Good night, Y/n."


The rest of this story will most likely not follow the next movies. I know for sure Civil War will not be included in this. I don't think IW or Endgame will be included either.

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