When the curse was seen jumping through the building both Fushiguro and Gojo to see the Curse Spirit.

Fushiguro:I'll exorcise it

Gojo:Now hold on.

Nobara then puts a straw doll on top of the cursed spirits arm

Child:A Straw Doll?

'Sukuna:I'll say this once I've seen better'
'Izuku:You're just a bunch of sunshine aren't you?'
'Sukuna:I'm worse than Sunshine you brat, I'm literally Worse'

Then Nobara readies her hammer and nail.

Nobara:Straw Doll Technique:

And then slams the nail onto the Straw Doll.


And then the sound of the curses heartbeat pounded and having multiple spikes coming out of him as it begins to fade away.

Gojo:Nice. She's crazy alright

Inside the building Nobara breathed heavily while saying they won

But she lost her balance which made her be caught by Izuku

Izuku:I gotta say you're something else but didn't I tell you to be careful?

Nobara didn't say anything but only having a blush on her face but she then slapped Izuku across the face making him let go of her

Izuku:Ow! Why?!

Nobara:well you deserve it! And also, what have you been eating that lets you punch through a wall with your bare hand some sort of quirk?!

Izuku:um no 100% quirk less and plus it wasn't reinforced concrete.

Nobara:Even if it was, that'd still be impossible for most people!

Izuku:...you mean...the ones without quirks?...honestly you've been asking me plenty of questions how about I say this, is there a reason why you came to Jujutsu High? Just want to know.

Nobara turned his back towards him until she gave him a look that made him feel something

Nobara:Because I'm from the country side, and I wanted to live in Tokyo!

Izuku suddenly felt the feeling disappeared making him have a blank look towards this girl

Nobara:This was the only way I could move to the big city without having to worry about money.


Nobara:and besides so far as it goes, I'm kind of grateful to you too

Saying this while her reaches to the Child's head while having a smile on her face

Nobara:There wouldn't have been a bright future if I had died or I had been the only one to survive. Thanks

Izuku could only stare which made Nobara to look his way causing him to turn his head

'Sukuna:oh~ it seems you're really interested towards that girl huh?'
'Izuku:...maybe I am'

At the end of the day the Chuld waves goodbye to the three teens and Gojo with the latter aksibg if they can grab some food with Nobara and Izuku agreeing while Fushiguro was seen scrolling through his phone.

With Nobara telling Izuku to fetch her stuff causing him to raise his eyebrows at her

Izuku:say what now?

Nobara:Well consider this the request of a beautiful girl and since we won that battle because of my cursed energy. You got a problem with that?

Izuku walk towards her with his face close to hers

Izuku:I ain't no ones delivery boy even if you're beautiful.

Once he said that he walked away from the group with Nobara a bit flushed around her face with Fushiguro and Gojo watches Izuku walking away

Gojo:well now we better follow him

And with that him along with his two students walk and try to reach the green haired young man

???:Log:July xxxx, location West Musutafu, Musutafu Juvenile detention center.

In the sky above the exercise yard, unnamed apparition of potential Special Grade.
Its cursed womb was witnessed by several non-jujutsu sorcerers.
Due to the emergency of the nature, three Jujutsu High first years were dispatched to the scene...and one died.

Chapter End.
Hope you enjoy...honestly I might just resume all of my stories and update as mich as I can but I'll see when that road leads.

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