Leave Without Me

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Third Person

The inside of the house was a mess. Books and papers were scattered everywhere, upturned tables were on the ground, parts of the floral wallpaper had been ripped off, and ornaments lay smashed by the fireplace. Any normal person would think that this house had been burgled. However, if you saw the boy in his room, rocking back and forth in a panic attack, purple bruises forming on his face and stomach and tears falling down his cheeks in rivers of sorrow, you would know otherwise.

The man had left now in a drunken state, but the brown eyed boy still had his bedroom door closed, furniture pushed up against it, forbidding anyone coming in. The friend he lived with was out; she had left earlier that morning to apply for a new job and she was staying the night in central London as she had got in touch with an old friend and was meeting her the next day. He was alone and he knew it, but he still refrained from opening up the door in case something else happened. Some one had been ringing maniacally at the door, desperate to get in. But the boy wouldn't let him. The ringing of the doorbell was slowly driving him insane. He was itching for a blade, but all of his were at Phil's, now probably stained with a bit of Phil's blood. So instead be clawed at himself. It would never give him the same relief as cutting, but it was good enough for now.

When satisfied with the pulsing scratches, the boy put on his Spotify playlist, and the first song that came on: 'Thinking Out Loud' by Ed Sheeran. Fresh tears sprung to the boys eyes as he remembered him and his love dancing to this tune at Brits when they had gone behind the scenes for BBC Radio 1. That boy would never love him now, he thought. He was too ugly, covered in bruises, he thought. He was too mean, he thought. He was too untrustworthy, he thought. After all, who would love a boy like him?


Meanwhile, PJ and Phil were getting impatient. They were worried for their friend, and Phil was still traumatised from what had happened. They saw the man leave the house, but they didn't see his face. It had been a good fifteen minutes or so until Dan had dragged himself up, awoken from his unconscious state. He winced as he put pressure on his left leg, decided against using it too much, and limped up the stairs. PJ was going to ring the doorbell then but Phil stopped him in case there was someone else in the house.

Phil's phone started ringing and he checked the caller ID, seeing that it was an unknown number. I picked the phone up, putting it on loudspeaker.

"Hello?" Phil asked.

"Hi Phil." Came a girls voice through the loudspeaker. Phil recognised the voice as soon as he heard it. PJ looked at him questioningly, and he mouthed the word 'Hannah' PJ nodded knowingly. Phil didn't know what to say back to Hannah, so he just waited for Hannah to speak first.

"Where are you at the moment?" She asked.

"Why?" Phil dragged the word on, showing how suspicious he was.

"Uh... Well you're not at your apartment and I wanted to talk to you about something..." Hannah said, seeming nervous.

"Okay. I'm at Dan's house at the moment..." Phil still wasn't comfortable with calling the house Hannah's as well. Dan had grown up in that grown up in that house. He had been living in that house when he met Phil. He had memories there. Hannah didn't. She was only there temporarily until she could buy a flat of her own. Wasn't she?

"Don't come here." Hannah whispered into the phone, somewhat urgently. Suddenly we heard a terrified scream, and the phone went dead.

PJ's pov (I couldn't stick with third person oops)

Phil called Hannah back. Three times. I didn't understand why he wanted to make sure that nothing had happened to her. I mean, I understand that she convinced him to give Dan another chance, but she was the one who had kissed Dan, and she had told Dan about Phil's scars in the first place. Surely the wrongs outdid the rights?

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