Chapter 3

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"Hey, Seoyeonaa! Wait up!"

Renee tried her level best, quite unsuccessfully, to call for her and not attract attention. Seoyeon was carelessly walking to the cafeteria, earbuds on and listening to 'Stay'. She had grown fond of this song ever since she had seen 'someone' dance freestyle hip-hop on it. As she turned to enter the cafeteria, she felt what she would call almost a hit on her shoulder. It was a panting Renee. "Oh hey, where were you?" "Where was I!?" she looked at her, horrified while trying to catch her breath. "Where have you been lost? You made me run in heels to catch you!" "Oh, I am sorry, I had earbuds on." "... and, you were listening to 'stay', weren't you?" She gave Renee her signature toothy grin. "Yeah, yeah. Stop grinning, you maniac." She regretted calling her one; Seoyeon trying to sing 'maniac' like Felix did not sit well with Renee's sensitive eardrums.

They sat at a table on opposite sides, facing each other, with their snacks. "You know," Renee said with a stuffed mouth, "we should totally stop with carbs in the evening snacks. We are getting fat!" " I know, right?" Seoyeon agreed with Renee as she stuffed her face with kimchi noodles, "But they are so damn good!" "Oooh, oooh! Swap, swap!" in a few seconds, Renee was stuffing her face with noodles as Seoyeon devoured her burger.

"Oh, BTW, the reason I was running behind you," Renee said, keeping her chopsticks down, "there is news. Han Bin is leaving, and Eunhyuk will join our team as his replacement." Seoyeon froze. She had made a deliberate effort not to see Eunhyuk or be in his vicinity since her 'fangirling' over him last year. She tried to remain nonchalant. "Uh, uh. So, why is Han Soon leaving?" Renee kept her chopsticks down and glared at her. "Why don't you say what you really want to?" Seoyeon paused and kept the burger down on the plate. Her head went down with the burger, and her shoulders slumped. They both came up with a jolt in full-blown panic mode. "Oh man, why him!? How will I work with him? How will I ask him questions or get the job done? I am losing it! Waaaaaa!" and she started fake crying with embarrassment and panic. Renee burst out laughing instantly at her sight. "Hahahahahaha!!!!" She was holding her stomach and making no effort to stop laughing anytime soon. Suddenly, Seoyeon spotted a few folks coming towards them. "Oh shit, it is him with the boss man!" She exclaimed in a whisper while maintaining a straight face. They immediately stopped laughing and focused on eating, acting perfectly professional.

"Hi ladies, mind if we join you?" Seoyeon's boss, Leeteuk, said, standing next to Renee. Han Bin and Eunhyuk accompanied him. Seoyeon was trying her level best not to show an anxiety. "Of course not, please sit." The girls maintained a poker face as Eunhyuk sat beside Renee while Han Soon sat beside Seoyeon. She stole a glance at Eunhyuk; he was quiet and entirely composed, minding his food. "So, Seoyeon, I have been looking for you." Seoyeon looked at him, puzzled. "Renee must have told you that Han Bin is quitting, and Eunhyuk will be joining in his place." "Oh ya, Renee mentioned a couple of minutes ago. Welcome to the team, Eunhyuk!" She put the burger in her mouth. It felt better not to be able to say anything than embarrassing herself. "Seoyeon, things will be very hectic and urgent. Bring him up to speed. he is your responsibility now." She smiled and assured Leeteuk. "Of course! Eunhyuk, let's catch up when you have time?" "Sure, I will come to you." Her heart stopped. She glanced at Renee, who knew exactly what Eunhyuk said and how it sounded to their ears.

Two hours later...

"Uhm, hey." No answer. "Umm, excuse me?" Vigorous typing continued without interruptions. Eunhyuk waited, but he was not sure there would be any outcome of it.

"Hey, Eunhyuk!" he heard someone call him. He looked around and saw the girl sitting with him at the table in the cafeteria approach him. "What's up?" "Oh, I just came by to sit with her and get some knowledge transfer, but she is not responding strangely." Eunhyuk said, pointing to Seoyeon. "Ah, I get it." Renee snickered. "Wait a minute." She stepped behind Seoyeon's chair and gestured for Eunhyuk to step back. Eunhyuk complied, confused. Renee pulled her sleeves, grabbed the chair and started shaking it with all her might. He almost fell on the chair behind him, completely baffled. "What the...!!" Seoyeon put her hand in her hair and turned a second later to find Renee grinning and Eunhyuk looking half-stupefied. "Bro, you got company waiting for you," Renee said, pointing to Eunhyuk. "Ah, sorry, I was listening to music. Give me one minute." Eunhyuk smiled. "No worries. Please take your time." Renee started walking away to her desk. "Uh, excuse me, thank you!" "No worries, bro. It's Renee." They exchanged smiles. "See ya!" Renee left, leaving Eunhyuk with a flustered Seoyeon.

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