Chapter 10 A fool to believe

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"I see you have changed your look."  Loki glared at Fury, how dare he seek him out. "Im sorry sir, I think you must be mistaken, his name is Leon. Bella said to fury, uncertinty in her voice. Fury looked down at Bella with a stern look. "I am afraid I am not mistaken For this man is not who he has claimed to be. He is Loki, god of mischief. If you can recall the New York incident about a year ago you should remember he was who organised the attack." Bella looked from Fury to Loki, trying to piece together what was happening. Leon is Loki? Loki is Leon? How..why..he..she.. Bella couldnt breath, the walls seemed to be closing in on her. "Bella I-" Loki started, but his sentence did not end for Bella ran up to him and clocked him dead in the face. "You mother fucker! How dare you! How fucking dare you!" Loki held his face in pain, but it was nothing to the pain he felt in his heart. "Bella you need to listen to me! I was going to tell you tonight! I-" Bella looked at him as if he had grown two heads. "Tonight? You were going to tell me tonight? You shold have tried to tell me every sing day!" Loki tried to approach her. "You must believe me.." Bella scoffed and laughed sarcastically. "Why should I ever trust you? Why should I trust you?! You have lied to me everyday since the moment we met! I have no reason to trust you!" Fury placed a shoulder on Bella's shoulder and Bella shook it off. "Get out of my house. Both of you. NOW!" Fury grabbed Lokis arm and pulled him to the door. "Mom whats going on?" Molly said yawning. Bella turned to her and sighed. "Nothing baby, lets get you to bed." Molly looked from her mothers sad face to see Loki getting pushed out the door. "Where is Leon going?" Bella walked over to Molly and picked her up. "Leon had to leave now come on."

Loki was still in shock as Fury put him into a car. "Where are you taking me? Why did you come after me?" Fury looked at Loki as if he asked a ridiculouse question. "You tried to take over the world and casued billions of dollars worth of damage to New York. Did you really think everyone was just going to forget about that?" Loki glared. "I am here as punishment by Odin." Fury shook his head. "I dont make the rules, but as long as you are residing on earth, you will be treated as any other Human terrorist would. Thor will be conntacted after you are taken into custody where we will make plans for further action."

Bella cried herself to sleep that night. All her life Bella had learned to deal with disapointments, to be positive but not to expecting. She doesnt know what Loki did to stop that, but she got her hopes up, she had such great expectaions that they ended up toppling down on top of her. She was a fool to believe that any good could come from a man she knew nothing about, a man who wasnt a man at all, only a myth. It was very soon that Bella felt the bed shift and was greeted the tiny body that belonged to her daughter. "Its ok mommy, Leon will come back." Bella didnt tell Molly who Leon really was, not just yet, she couldnt. Bella turned over and smiled at her daughter with a sad smile. Kissing the top of her head and taking her small hand in her own, trying to close her eyes and not dream of what could have been.

Thor reached the S.H.E.I.L.E.D facility that Loki was being held in in no time. He was enraged that Fury had locked him up. "Fury, why have you taken my brother?" Fury sat at a large table, his hands folded as he looked at Thor. "Loki you brother is considered a terrorist and national threat. Did you really think tat if we noticed him we would just shrug it off?" Thor gave Fury a stern look. "He is not yours to judge, not on this day atleast. He is under the watch and protection of out father Odin. Loki's power have been stripped from him, he is no longer a threat to you." Furys face didnt change, he looked neither angry or bothered by Thor's words. "Listen Thor, this planet has rules and Loki tried to completely get rid of them, costing thousands of people there lives, we cant just ignore that, no matter who he is under the protection of. I can tell you this much, The untied nations does not have a specific law or procedure when it comes to an attack from someone or something from another planet, its just not something everyone could agree to plan for. This means that besides hold Loki, our goverment cant do much to him yet, considering he is not from this planet the rules dont actually apply in a legal sence. When we assembled the avengers to get Loki the plan was this, hold him in custody until a larger plan could be made, most likely that plan would have involved terminating him. The you came and the goverment didnt have to worry about dealing with it since he would be leaving with you. Now he is back and we have to re think how to approach this. Loki is titled a mass murderer and pychopath, his odds are not good." Thor leaned over the table. "You dont understand, engaging in the punishment of Loki could lead to a war between our worlds, much worse than the one Loki brought." Fury nodded slowly. "I see. I will inform my superiors of this, but I can not promise anything. I believe that at the very least, Loki will have to get off earth, and never return." Thor sighed. "I will inform my father of what is happening, I do not recken he will be pleased."

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