Chapter 20: Rya & Millicent

Start from the beginning

Another nod, along with the same smile. Rya has to quickly bring herself under control. She was... well, she was moments from being very upset indeed. But this... this was fine! Of course, the Tarnished had business to take care of first! He'd just arrived on the Plateau, and here she was, trying to spirit him away before he could get his bearings! What a silly one she was for being so presumptuous!

"A-Aha! A-Apologies, dear Tarnished. Please... go handle your business. I will wait here for you. Not to worry, no matter how long it takes, I shall be here when you return."

The Tarnished just smiles... and pats her gently on the head. There's some affection, to the touch... and then he's hopping the low stone wall behind her, bypassing the two massive Guardian Golems protecting this side of the Great Lift from would-be intruders. As he rides off on that Spectral Steed of his, Rya watches him go fondly, before settling in to wait a little while longer.

She'd waited this long, hadn't she? She could... she could handle a bit more time. And the Tarnished was SURE to return quickly enough, right?


It was beautiful. Certainly, twas a far cry from Caelid, this place. Her journey to Altus Plateau had been fraught with some level of peril, Millicent could admit to herself... but it was nothing she couldn't handle, now that she was restored to some fraction of her former strength. The needle continued to hold the Scarlet Rot at bay, though this did not mean she was cured.

Indeed, for many who came across her, the signs were obvious... and as a plague bearer, they stayed well clear of her. A scant few tried to kill her... but she'd slipped away from those would-be merciful hunters easily enough. She couldn't afford to lose sight of her goal, after all. Though admittedly, gazing at the Erdtree, not so far off in the distance anymore, had distracted her for the past little while now.

It was almost like she was waiting for something... though she knew not what until she heard the sound of horse hooves clopping, and turned to find, to her surprise, a familiar face no longer hidden behind a bandit's mask. Millicent can only blink, as her savior hops off of his Spectral Steed, the mount vanishing into nothingness the moment he leaves the saddle.

Striding over to her, he gives her a smile and a silent nod, before gazing out over the view as well for a brief moment. Blushing in his presence, Millicent grasps for words for a second before finally speaking.

"Ah. We meet again."

Tch, why did she have to sound so aloof? Stupid! This man saved you! You could stand to be a bit more affectionate, d-damn it!

Flushed, Millicent shakes her head and gazes at the Erdtree.

"In truth... it's been smooth sailing, for me."

What, was she bragging now? It would not have been smooth sailing, if not for him! Hastening to tell him so, Millicent finds herself babbling just a little.

"The Scarlet Rot has stilled, since last we met. As such... I've been able to continue my journey, thanks to you."

A glance in his direction shows him smiling at her even now. She blushes and averts her gaze, before glancing down at her missing arm. Once more, the words spill forth from her lips before she can second-think them.

"Though... rather vexingly, I realize that if I still had my sword arm, I could have aided you in battle."

This time, when she glances at him to gauge his reaction, its to find him taking a step forward and laying a hand on her shoulder. Ah... he's too good to her. Is he not afraid? To be fair, he knows better than most that he has no reason to fear her. Afflicted though she may be, the needle keeps the rot at bay, meaning she's... safe-ish to be around, in this state.

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