160 - The Love Of A Mother

Start from the beginning

We were on the largest island in this world to date. We stood on a beach, and in front of us was a large forest. In-between the beach and the forest stood one small wooden house.

Gelinda turned to look at us, smiling. She walked up, knocked on the door, and then peeked inside. "Hey Bryn! I have something for you."

"Okay! I'm coming!" Her voice yelled from inside of the house.

That voice-!

She stepped outside of the house, looking not a day older than when I last saw her. My mother stood there, in all her glory, looking at all of us confused.

"Why are there so many people...?" She worriedly asked, before her eyes locked onto Brandon and I. "It can't be..." She brought her hands to her mouth.

"Mother..." Brandon gasped.

Mother leaped from the door, slamming into Brandon and I and wrapping her arms around us. She broke into tears, crying as she hugged us closer.

"I never thought I'd see you two again." She bawled. "I'm so glad...I'm so glad. Oh, how you two have grown so wonderfully."

She grasped Brandon's face, examining it. "You look so similar to how your father did when he was young. You've become a wonderful young man."

"Mom..." Tears welled up in Brandon's eyes. He wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tight. "I missed you so much..."

"I missed you too, honey. I missed you too." She smiled, before directing her attention to me. She was back. I couldn't believe it.

"Bianca." She smiled at me through her teary eyes. "You've become such a pretty girl." She hugged me, and slowly, I wrapped my own arms around her.

I buried my face into her neck, just sitting there while hugging her. Brandon wrapped his arms around us, while Gelinda looked from the side with a smile.

"I wish I could've seen you two grow up." She sadly smiled. "All of the birthdays, the firsts, I'm so ashamed I missed them."

"It's not your fault." Brandon whispered. "I'm just glad you're back."

"...me too." I said.

And for the first time in a long time, I shed a tear.

Ken smiled at us from afar, no doubt very happy with this development. It was incredible how happy he looked just from seeing us.

In turn, it made me even happier then I already was. I wanted to pounce on him and kiss him right now.

And then I saw Erica hanging on his arm, and felt jealous.

"How long have you been here?" Brandon asked.

Mother wiped her tears away. "Maybe, two weeks?" She wondered. "But for you two, it's been years. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." I spoke up. "I'm...happy."

Mother smiled at me, tears welling up in her eyes once more.

"You should be proud of your children." Goku suddenly approached, smiling and wrapping an arm around Brandon's neck. "This one is the number one S Rank Adventurer in Japan, while Bianca has been praised as a genius Adventurer-In-Training."

"That's amazing." Mother smiled at us, before turning to Goku. "And you are?"

"Goku Taiyou, nice to meet you." Goku greeted.

"How could you just intrude like that?" Principal sighed, approaching. "It's an honor to meet you. I remember watching you as an Adventurer-In/Training. You were one of my inspirations."

"I'm glad." She smiled. "You are?"

"Ah." Principal faltered, lightly blushing. "Aiko Kato."

"These here are the other current S Ranks of Japan." Brandon stated, gesturing towards Goku, Principal, Shadow, and Emi. "And this here is..."

He grabbed Emi, who suddenly blushed. "...my girlfriend."

"Oh!" Mother gasped, grabbing her hands. "It's so nice to meet you!"

"It's nice to meet you too, Ma'am." Emi nodded.

"And there's one other person I should introduce..." Brandon grinned, glancing at me and then Ken.

No you don't. Not yet.

I slapped my hands over his mouth. "Shut it." I whispered.

"Hm?" Mother looked at us, confused.

"Um...Miss Tsuki?" Yui approached Mother.

Ah, that's right.

"Yes?" She turned towards Yui. "Wait, you look like Yuki..."

"My name is Yui Yosei." Yui greeted. "My mom was your teammate, a Scarlet Sister."

"Yes." Mother smiled. "I'm great friends with your mom."

"Is she..." Yui hesitantly asked.

"She is." Mother smiled sadly. "But she's...just follow me."

We followed her into the house, entering a room where Yuki Yosei laid in bed, eyes closed. Her complexion was pale, and she was heavily sweating.

"Mom..." Yui gasped, rushing to her side.

"I'm sorry." Mother placed a hand on Yui's shoulder. "She's in a coma. She was hit with some sort of strange poison I don't know."

"No..." Tears came into the corners of Yui's eyes.

Then Ken stepped forwards with Erica. He glanced towards her, giving her a nod. She gave a nod back, approaching Yui's Mom.

She reached into herself, pulling out a beautiful, golden sheathe which dazzled at sight. She then placed it onto Yui's Mom, and after a couple seconds color started to appear.

"She should be healed after a little while." Erica informed. "Avalon hasn't failed me, and I know it won't this time."

Mother smiled. "Wow. Thank you."

"Erica!" Yui slammed herself into her, hugging her tightly while crying into her stomach, before then rushing at Ken and hugging him too.

"How lovely." Gelinda smiled.

And then a loud explosion sounded outside as the whole ground shook.

"Well, shit." Gelinda spoke.

A/N: That's right, this was actually a Bianca development arc all along!

And...a Yui arc?!

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