Chapter 28 ~ Rain And Spooks

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Lauren's Pov:

It was probably a bad idea to watch a horror film at ten minutes to midnight. I don't like horror films. I get scared very easily and they just freak me out. This one wasn't so bad it was more gory than scary. But it was very jumpy. It had started raining, getting heavier and heavier so we all headed upstairs to go to bed.

"Drew where are you going?" I asked, a bit worried cos I didn't want him to leave me in case the thing from the film came. Yes I have a very active imagination and I scare myself thinking about what could happen more than the actual film would have.

"I'll be up in a minute. I'm just locking up."

I changed into my pyjamas, washed my face and brushed my teeth before climbing into bed. I switched the side lights on and hid under the covers.

"What are you doing?" Drew laughed as he walked in.

"Er I-i -" I stuttered.

"You're scared aren't you?" He asked getting into bed and pulling me towards him.

"Just a bit." I replied.

"You really shouldn't have said something and we could have put something else on."

"Yeah but you were all really into watching that film."

"Sometimes talking to someone about what your scared of helps you forget it. When Kacey used to have nightmares, she'd always talk to mum and then not have them." He said.

"But nightmares are different to horrible things stuck in your brain."

"Try it."

"Okay, well first I don't like the way that the person died and how that thing killed their friends. How the wind howled just at the same time the wind howled in real life and how the murderer is in the house and no one knows it and- this isn't working." I said and pulled the covers back over my head.

There was a loud bang and suddenly all the light went out. Drew and I immediately pulled the duvet over our heads.

"Their coming Drew." I said, scared.

"No their not. It was just a stupid movie and no one is gonna come in." He said.

And literally seconds after the door swang open and a figure stepped in with a torch.

"It's them Drew!" I cried grabing his hand.

"Guys what are you doing?" A voice asked shining a torch on us.

"We, well Laur thought that you were the scary murderer from that film. Nate tell her that there is no murder and no one is gonna hurt her." Drew said and I poked my head out of the covers.

"It's alright Laur, no one is gonna hurt you. Drew and I will protect you." He smiled and sat on the end of the bed. "By the way, we're having a power cut."

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