Chapter 18 ~ Ice Hockey

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Lauren's Pov :

I sat down at the table with a bowl of Coco pops. I still haven't spoken to Nate since we had that argument. Luckily, Morgan and Nate went out early this morning to go to do some kind of shit. I couldn't care less.

"Morning!" Austin shouted making me jump and dropping a piece of paper infront of me.

"For pete sake Austin, that almost landed in my cereal." I said picking up the piece of paper and reading what it said.

In fact it was a ticket to an ice hockey game. San Jose Sharks vs Pittsburgh Penguins. Austin and I always go to see the San Jose Sharks play ice hockey ever since we were kids and it was so predictable that he would find tickets for the game.

"Surprise!" He grinned.

"Oh my god Austin! Where the hell did you find these tickets?" I asked.

"Well I thought you needed a bit of cheering up. Drew told me about it this morning."

"Thank you! You're the best." I said hugging him.

"Go and get ready because a taxi is picking us up in an hour."

I ran upstairs and got into the shower and washed my hair. I wrapped a towel around my body and head, then washed my face and brushed my teeth before walking back to my room. On the made bed there was a pair of my jeans folded up on the bed, a present and a note which read

'To Laur, I understand that you are pretty upset and annoyed so to cheer you up Austin, Levi and I bought you a ticket to the ice hockey game and the present you have wanted for ages. I've got the facepaint in my pocket. We'll see you in the taxi :) Drew xxx'

I opened the colourful wrapped present to find a Sharks t-shirt. The one I have wanted for at least 4 months now. I quickly got changed into the jeans and t-shirt, then blow dried my hair straight and applied some make up. I put my purse and some other stuff into a rucksack and rushed downstairs and slipped on a coat and a pair of vans. I closed the front door and walked over to the taxi.

"Go Sharks!" They all yelled and the taxi driver laughed.

Drew passed me some facepaint and I applied it on my cheeks to match the boys.

When we arrived loads of people turned around to look at us. Levi pulled out some notes and handed them to the driver.

"How much do you want?" I asked him, pulling out my purse.

"You are not paying for anything today. It's our treat." He smiled, nudging my arm.

As we walked through the doors, the arena like building was quite empty.

"I thought you said the game starts at 12:30." Drew said to Austin.

"Well -" he started to say.

"We always get to a game 2 hours early so that we get the stuff we need before the crowds hit." I said and austin nodded.

We first headed to a stand which sold food. I was starving so was the others. We got the stuff we needed before the game started and the crowd roared in.

"Hello everybody. Welcome to the Pittsburgh Penguins vs San Jose Sharks ice hockey game!"

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