Chapter 25 ~ Shopping

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Lauren's Pov:

There was a constant knocking at the door for at least 5 minutes.

"Urgh." I mumbled, snuggling into Drews chest.

"Are you gonna get up or am I?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

I looked up at him.


He got up and walked over to the door and opened it.

"Hi, can I please have Lauren today?" A voice asked.

"You can't have her but you can borrow her." Drew replied. "Laur, it's Morgan."

I got up and put Drews hoodie on and walked to the door.

"Go and have a shower because we are leaving soon." Morgan smiled.

She pushed me allong to the bathroom. I wash shocked at how she was already ready to go but it was so early.

"I have an outfit for you and it's on the counter by the sink. I left some of my makeup on the side too for you to use." She said.

"Okay, thanks."

She walked back to hers and Nates room whilst I entered the bathroom. I got unchanged and stepped into the shower. The clothes Morgan had left were a pair of ripped knee jeans, a white lace top and a grey cardigan. I changed into the outfit and brushed my teeth. Then brushed my hair and did my makeup.

"Ready? " she asked standing in the corridor making me jump.

"Er, yeah. I just need to quickly get something." I said walking back into my and Drews room.

I searched through the room for a pair of white converse and a bag.

"What ya looking for?" Drew asked sitting up.

"Shoes and a bag." I replied.

"Well the converse are downstairs by the door and your bag is on top of your suitcase."

"Haha thanks Drew."

"Your welcome beautiful. I'll see you later." He smiled.

He stood up and stretched before giving me a hug and kissing the top of my head.

"I better go before she starts knocking again." I chuckled and walked out, closing the door after me.

"Lauren come on." Morgan called from downstairs.

"Okay okay."

● ● ●

"Do you even know where we're going?" I asked Morgan.

We had walked from the house up to the little town where we had brunch and kept walking to a wood like area with one shop.
"Yeah. There's a big shopping centre the other side of this wood." She replied pulling out a map. "I've been there before Lauren."

"Can we please just ask someone or get a lift there." I said as she turned the paper around.

"Excuse me, do you know where the shopping centre is?" Morgan asked a boy that was walking by.

"Yeah, you go back to the roundabout and take a right and keep walking, it should be there." He smiled.

"I told you we had to turn right." I said.

"No you didn't and thank you." She said.

We walked back to the roundabout and turned right. We soon arrived at a gigantic building with a glass roof and loads of shops. A lake with boats and more shops to walk round outside.

"fucking hell how many shops are here?"

"203 shops in total." Morgan smiled. "Let's go shopping!"

"Can we please get something to eat first though I'm starving." I said.

We walked through the doors and up an escalator to mcdonalds.

"Are they still serving breakfast?" I asked as we queud up.

"Yes, it's only coming up for 9am. Now what do you want."

"Er a sausauge and egg mcmuffin please." I said scrambling through my bag to find my purse.

"I'll get them. You get a table and I'll see you over there in a minute."

After breakfast we went straight to Abercrombie where Morgan practically bought me $200 worth of stuff.
We stopped for lunch at 1pm and shopped till 8pm.

"I'm so tired." I yawned.

"Haha same, we literally shopped till we dropped." Morgan giggled.

"Thank you Morgan for such a great day and for buying me loads of stuff. "

She bought me like a new waldrobe for the whole year. She insited on paying for everything and would only let me get lunch.

"You're very welcome. I thought you needed a new look and waldrobe."

Change Of Plan ~ A Drew Dirksen FanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя