Chapter 23 ~ Let's Go Somewhere

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Lauren's Pov :

"Morning." Drew smiled as I woke up.

"Hey." I yawned.

"Do you want me to bring you up some breakfast?" He asked.

"Thanks but I'm awake now so I'll go down and get some." I smiled.

I got up and pulled on a hoodie then walked downstairs with Drew.

"Morning." Nate said mid way of shovelling some cereal into his mouth.

We sat at the end of the table beside Nate and Levi.

"Do you wanna do something today?" Drew asked in almost a whisper.

"Yeah okay."

"Let's go somewhere. Just us two. I'll rent a car and we can go somewhere."

"Okay, shouldn't we tell the others that we are going or they'll think we've gone missing or something."

"I'll text Austin."

"It seems that whenever anyone sneaks off they text Austin." I laughed.

"Well he's the most responsible. "

We finished breakfast and everyone went up to get changed. I used the shower in Austin and Levi's room whilst Drew went in one of the other bathrooms down the corridor. I changed into a pair of jeans with rips in the knees, an all time low t-shirt and my navy blue vans. I sorted out my make up, dried my hair and plaited it to take it out later so it will be wavy. I brushed my teeth before walking downstairs and pulling on an abercrombie hoodie.

"Ready?" I asked as Drew walked down the stairs.

"Yeah. The others are upstairs still and I thought we could pick up some food on the way there." He replied swinging a key chain around.

"Wait. Why do you have car keys?"

"There's a car in the garage round the corner. I went for a walk a few days ago, came across a white convertible Audi A4 and it was only this morning when I went to look for a spoon that I spotted the keys."

"Do you not think that maybe the owner hid the keys so that we won't use the car."

"The keys weren't hidden Laur, they were behind the other keys. It'll be fine babe." He smiled, grabbed my hand and dragged me outside.

We lifted up the garage door revealing the car. Drew jumped in the drivers seat and drove out so I could close the door before getting into the car.

"Taco Bell for lunch?" He asked as we pulled out of the road.

"Sure, I'll get out and get it though." I replied. "Have you text austin yet?"

"Ah no, can you please." He said passing me his phone. "Say that we are just going out and will be back later. Add anything else if you want to."

"I put 'Just taking Lauren out for today, will be back tonight' is that okay?"


On the way to Taco Bell we blasted the radio with the roof off. When we arrived Drew pulled into a parking space and I got out to go and get the food.

"Two fresco chicken tacos, cinnamon twists, a starburst strawberry strawberry freeze and a snapple lemonade freeze." I said as I got back in the car with a gigantic bag.

Drew drove out onto the main road, down one that ran through a woods and one that wasn't really meant to be a road. We arrived at a field at around 2pm. He intertwined our fingers, locked the car and lead us to an oak tree in the middle of the field.

"Cheers." He smiled clashing our drinks together.

"What's the strawberry freeze like?" I asked as we bit into the tacos.

"Nice, do you wanna try some?" Drew asked.

"Okay." I said and took a sip of his drink.
"I think I'll stick with the snapple one."

"It's quite sharp isn't it." Drew laughed.

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