Chapter 39: Fumble

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"Thank God," Mrs. Warner says, relief riding on the edge of her tone. "If you didn't answer soon, I was going to send the police to do a welfare check."

I hold my phone close, chewing my lower lip. Guilt washes over me at hearing how concerned she was. But four missed calls. I already knew she was worried.

"Sorry. I...I'm just digesting a lot right now."

"What do you mean? Did something happen?" There's that motherly tone I have come to associate with her.

"I –"

Do I tell her? Can I trust her? Can I trust anyone? I trusted Clay – I mean, Mr. Key. I completely trusted him and look what's happening now. Look what he did. Seventeen women are dead because of him. Four children are missing because of him. My child is missing because of him. And he looked me in the eye spewing bullshit about helping me.

But this is Mrs. Warner. I've known her for three years now. She has cared for my child whenever I was at work. She has watched Rui grow from a newborn to the little girl she is now. And never once has anything bad ever happened. Not until Clay – er, Mr. Key – entered the picture.

That was when shit hit the fan. That was when all of hell was unleashed. That was when life was flipped upside down.

Still, despite that, maybe I shouldn't reveal too much. I hate thinking that, but maybe it's better that way. At least for now.

"I'm not entirely sure yet," I reply. "But I'm fine. I'm safe. I'm alive."

There's a moment of hesitation, but finally, she says, "Well, I'm relieved to hear that."

We talk a bit longer. Nothing of importance. I suspect Mrs. Warner senses I'm in no headspace to discuss anything sensitive – nothing of importance. So, she strays away from anything of that nature. However, after some time, we say our farewells and I switch to reaching out to the next concerned person.


I press his contact and hold the phone to my ear, listening as the tone dials once, twice...

"Hello? Y/N?"

His voice is rough and deep, that same concern present. How long was he standing there? How long was he standing there, staring at his phone? How long has he been waiting?

"Hey," I say. "Sorry, I was... I was decompressing."

Not a lie. Not completely. Ever since yesterday, all I've been able to do is sit here and try to unravel everything I've learned. But every time I start to tug on that string and start to untie all the lies, I suck in my breath and turn away. It's still too much. It's still too soon.

"I wasn't much up for talking, but I should have at least shot you a text."

"You're fine," he says. "I understand. I just hadn't heard from you in a while and wanted to check on you. Did your landlady ever get ahold of you? I know she was worried."

"I did. I just got off the phone with her, actually."

"Oh, good."

Silence. A long and drawn silence that lingers, hinting at him thinking. Maybe thinking about what to say. What to ask. We haven't discussed Janelle and Sterling's deaths. Maybe because neither of us really knows what to say about it. In fact, has he talked to any of the other girls about what happened?

"I'm sure you know the news," he finally says, almost as if he's been reading my thoughts. "About Janelle and Sterling."

I swallow. There's a lump in my throat. "I have. I went to Janelle's funeral. I plan to make an appearance at Sterling's."

"I was out of town during Janelle's," he confesses. "I wish I could have been there."

Does he mean he wishes he could have been at the funeral, or there to save her? It's hard to tell with Randy. I'm sure Janelle and Sterling's deaths are weighing on him. I can hear it in his tone. He might not be the most outward man, but he still bleeds red. He still cares.

"Well, do you want to go with me to Sterling's?" I ask, hoping to extend some sense of comfort to him. "Then afterward, we can visit Janelle's grave and pay our respects."

It still feels foreign and bizarre to be talking about this. There's something strange about it. Talking about someone I saw almost daily – nightly – at work. Then I think back to Janelle's casket. How it had been closed.

I shiver. "I know it's not much, but whadaya say?"

"I think that would be the polite thing to do," he replies. "When is it?"

"Tomorrow, at eleven A.M."

"Alright. Would you like me to pick you up?"

I almost say yes. Almost. Then I remember where I am. What's happening. Why I'm here. And though I've know Randy for the better part of two years, I still don't know if I want to reveal where I am. Not after everything that has happened."

"I'll drive myself," I say, "but I can always pick you up if you'd like that."

"No need. I'll drive myself as well. We can meet there."

"Okay. That works. Do you need the address for the funeral home?"

"No. I have it. Though, I will need help getting to Janelle's grave site."

"I can help with that. I kinda recall where they said it is."

"We'll figure it out," he assures.

"We will."

And though I know we're talking about the events for tomorrow, I can't help but believe there is more to our words.

**Ello, ello lovelies! Not a whole lot happening in this chapter, but it's something. Don't worry. Shit will be going down soon. In random news, I'm currently reading two books. First, I'm reading Victoria Lee's, The Traitor's Crown – which is kinda like the prequel to her Feverwake books. I'm also reading E. Lockhart's, Family of Liars – the prequel to We Were Liars. So far I'm really enjoying both. I'm trying to read more. But yeah...random. Well, thank y'all soooo much for everything! Y'all are the bestest! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

P.S. "MORE" by BTS' J-Hope

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