Chapter 32: The Holder

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I couldn't finish the food that Clay had ordered.

But I also didn't have the heart to throw it out. So instead, I made makeshift containers out of napkins and paper towels, then refrigerated the meats. The only thing I couldn't really save was the fruit and scrapes of eggs. But I tried. I did as much as I could.

Now, I'm sitting on my balcony, overlooking H/P, sipping my tea (or whatever you like). Above, the sky is a clear azure, speckled by white pats of clouds, the sun ascending higher and higher. The air is light and warm, and the heat of the day already starting to increase. It's going to be another hot one, but I know these days will be numbered soon.

Before long, autumn will be here. Soon, these hot summer days will fade into chilly days with brilliantly colored leaves and Halloween spirit. It is among us.

I squeeze my eyes shut.

So much has happened so quickly. Too quickly. I still don't even know if I've fully digested it all. All those women killed. Janelle, Sterling, Gabriella. Those two ghouls broke into my apartment. Rui is missing.

It's a lot. And my brain has reached its compacity. It's full. There is no more I can take in. Not right now. I just... I can't.

So now I sit, feeling the wind blow against my face. Warm and fresh. It's nice but not enough. Not to forget. Not to distract. Not to do anything.

I sit in this meditative state for several moments when the sound of my cell ringing snaps me back. Curious, I look at it. I recognize the number.

I answer, "Hello?"

"Y/N?" the voice is calm and even. Abara.

"Abara? Hello. Is there –"

"Would you be able to come to the TSC headquarters?"

I knit my brows. "Yes, of course. What time –"

"Now, preferably."

"O-okay..." I start to stand. "Is something wrong?"

"Just come to headquarters, please."


The entire drive to TSC was a mixture of things. Mostly confusion. And concern. But also curiosity, because though Abara's tone had been relatively even, I could still hear the edge in it. An edge that I couldn't quite place.

And now I'm here, seated at the table in the little room I've fallen quite familiar with. Waiting. Anticipating. Wondering what they'll have to say. Do they have a new lead? Maybe another tip off? What? What could have rattled them so much that Abara sounded that way?

I have little time to ponder when a brief knock comes upon the door and it opens. In walks Abara and Juuzou, both moving briskly. They each take a seat and before I can utter a single syllable, Abara speaks.

"Thank you for coming in so short noticed."

"Of course. It sounded urgent." It did. It did sound that way. "So...did something happen?"

Abara stiffens as he looks at Juuzou, who is already fixated on me. His crimson eyes are locked on me, his expression as unreadable as ever. Why is he so difficult to read?

Abara replies, "We did. There has been a new development in the case, and one we feel you should hear."

I shift. "Okay..." My heart is racing. " it?"

Abara opens his mouth, ready to answer when Juuzou speaks. "We did some digging and found that a specific card number was being used at each victim's place of work – some repeatedly. So, we looked into it."

I knit my brows. "Okay... I'm guessing you might have a name, then?"

He nods, "We do."

For a moment, I just sit. Taking it in. This is something.

"Okay. Who is it?" I'm curious. I need to know. I need to know.

Abara glances at his superior as Juuzou remains unmoved. Unfazed. In fact, the more I look at him, the more serious he appears. Completely different from his usual self. The self that sways so easily from mature and distant to playful and jovial. But now, there is no part of him that shows – or even hints – at that childlike side.

And I almost find him intimidating.

Finally, Juzzou speaks. "The card belongs to someone you are acquainted with."

I lift a brow. "Someone I know? But how? Who?"

What he says next... It causes my soul to leave my body and my blood to run cold, just like ice.

"The card belongs to a Mr. Clayton Key."

**Ello lovelies! Boom, boom! Looks like we have some sussy (that can be a word, right?) action! That's right! Mr. Key is looking like a suspect. Do you think he has played a role in all this OR do you think he was framed? Feel free to take a gander! And who knows? Maybe your guess will be right. As always, thank you oh, so freakin' much for everything! Y'all are the bee's knees! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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