Chapter 12: Fourteen

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~Abara's POV~

They're connected.

They're all connected. All of them. All of those fourteen women. Lydia Dryhouse. Rachael Bose. Everly Weise. Caitlynn Boone. Tabitha Withers. Deanna Smart. Sarah Cumberland. Ivanka Ramirez. Jessica Smith. Brittany DeLani. Anna Betterman. Penelope Grater. Willow Preston. And Girl B, freshly identified as Hannah Level.

All fourteen lived quiet, solitary lives. All fourteen were estranged from any family and close friends. All fourteen were relatively alone. And all fourteen were found as discarded remains, gnawed and chewed on by ghouls. And none knew the other.

They're all connected through their separateness.

Then, there's the fact that two of them - Rachael Bose and Tabitha Withers - are both young mothers. Rachael, to a three-year-old son, and Tabitha to a five-year-old son and a two-year-old daughter. All three of which are missing.

And then there's Y/N L/N. Almost a victim herself, we got to her in time. We managed to apprehend the ghoul trying to abduct her, but unfortunately...Rui L/N - her three-year-old daughter - was taken.

Most believe the children are all dead. Even I suspected that at first, but Suzuya...he is convinced they're all still alive. And it was his certainty as he argued with the H/P PD chief a mere day ago that I saw the determination and belief in his eyes.

There was a fire lit under him, burning in his eyes. It's not a side he shows very often, if ever. In fact, most just see him as this immature fool who does whatever he wants, but they don't know him. What he's been's shaped him into this incredible investigator with keen skills. And I am honored to serve at his side.

This is why I follow and believe him when he says those three - no, four - children are alive. His assuredness leads me to believe in him and his words, no matter how dire and dismal it all may seem. If he believes they're alive, then they're alive.

Even now, as the sun begins its slow descent, he is focused, his eyes intensely trained on the files containing information about the fourteen women. I watch, observing as he flicks through the pages, scanning the words, his fingers knotted in his own hair.

We've gone through those files repeatedly, taking notes on anything that stood out. In fact, I'm almost certain that I can recite each file word for word from memory, and I'm sure he could do the same. So, what he could possibly be searching for remains to be seen. Then he speaks.

"Hanbee, do you happen to know the occupation of any of these women?"

I think about it for a moment. "Hmm. I believe several worked in customer service."

"Like in restaurants and retail?"

"Yes. I think Deanna Smart worked in a hotel, though. Janitorial staff, I believe."

There is a moment of silence. Then: "What about the other women?"

I think back to the newer information gathered. Everly Weise, Caitlynn Boone, Sarah Cumberland, Jessica Smith, Brittany DeLani, Anna Betterman, Willow Preston, and Hannah Level all worked in some form of customer service, rather in retail or restaurant service, while Deanna Smart worked at the hotel. As for Lydia Dryhouse, Rachael Bose, Tabitha Withers, Ivanka Ramirez, and Penelope Grater...

"I believe you would call them entertainers," I say.

He turns, looking at me. "Entertainers? As in dancing?"

I nod. "Adult dancing, if you want specifics."

I don't need to say it outright for him to understand. He already knows. He gets it. The remaining women worked as exotic dancers. In plain and lame terms, stripping.

"I see," he says, turning to his notebook. He scribbles something in it. "So, all these women, have no direct connection to each other?"

"None that are personal."

"All young. All estranged from their families. All relatively alone. And all working in some form of service." He leans back in his chair. "Whoever's behind this has to have been around each woman at some point."

"How so?"

He looks at me. "In the only way I can think of. While they were all working."

**Hello, lovelies! Oof. This chapter took a hot minute to write, but not as long as the last one. This one only took almost four hours. Not bad since I had no idea where to go. That and I had no motivation. That's been the case a lot lately. Maybe I should take a break? The last time I said that I didn't because I suddenly got through the block. Will that happen again? Stay tuned to find out! Also, decided to do an Abara POV. It was originally going to be a Juuzou POV but making it Abara just made me. So, hope y'all liked that. Well, I think that'll do for today. As always, thank you so, so, so much! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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