Chapter 17: Hmm

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"I'm so sorry," I say into the phone.

"What do you need to apologize for?" Mrs. Warner – sweet, sweet Mrs. Warner – asks.

I tighten my grip on the phone. "Because you all worked so hard on fixing my apartment and I just...left."

Guilt washes over me. I do feel bad. Truly, I do. Mrs. Warner and several other tenants worked hard in fixing up my apartment after the attack. They cleaned the mess and Mrs. Warner was even able to get my windows replaced. That said, even with all that they did, I still couldn't bring myself to stay there.

Not right now.

Not with all the images still playing on repeat every time I close my eyes. Their faces. Rui's tears. All the fear. I just...I can't go back to that right now.

"Oh, sweetheart," Mrs. Warner says, this sweet motherly tone riding in her voice. "You don't need to apologize for that. To be honest, I'm surprised you stayed as long as you did. After all, what you went through..." She pauses, probably calculating her words. Then: "Don't worry about it. We'll keep an eye on your unit until you come back. For now, you just focus on trying to get some rest. Easier said than done, I know."

She's right. It is easier said than done. I can be told all day that I need to get rest but at the end of the day, I don't know if I can. Not completely. Not while Rui is still out there. Somewhere.

"We'll bring her back."

Juuzou's words are the only bit of hope I have left. Resurrected hope, but hope, nonetheless. They're still something that is being dangled in front of me, feeding me that hope. And I need to hold onto them as tightly as I can.

"I'll try," I finally swallow. "Thank you. I really appreciate that."

"Of course, sweetheart. So, don't worry."

At some point, we say our farewells and hang up, leaving me surrounded by this silence. A silence that is thick and heavy, falling like a velvet curtain, cascading across the floor. Part of it is familiar and welcoming, almost relaxing. But another part of me feels uneasy, shifting and fidgeting.

It's an uneasiness that I have come to expect, really. I know that, now. Still, it's not something I enjoy, though I doubt many people enjoy this feeling. It's uncomfortable and frustrating, but it can't be helped. It is what it is.

Still, as I sit here in my overly extravagant suite, I can't help but keep hearing Juuzou's words replaying on repeat in my mind. Over and over on this constant loop. We'll bring her back. We'll bring her back. We'll bring her back. Words that are clinging to me as much as I am clinging to them.

And though I was so close to losing that hope, seeing Juuzou earlier did help to revive it. Though, that said, I am still a tad confused by his questions.

Had I noticed anyone suspicious? Honestly, I still can't think of anyone. Nothing outside of the norm. No one stalking me. No one following me. No one being overly pushy. Nothing. There were the regulars, but I've dealt with them plenty of times to know that they wouldn't pull anything.

It's frustrating. I want to recall something, but nothing stands out. Nothing that'll be of use. Still, Juuzou asked that for a reason. Then there was him saying there'll be an official update soon. Does this mean they're making a break in the case? Are we a step closer to finding Rui?


I can't allow myself to get too ahead of myself. As hard as it may be, I need to try – try, being the keyword – to keep a level head. Try.

Still, I'm curious. I know he was asking those questions for a reason. Could...could there be a link of some kind? Maybe? Maybe. Maybe that's what it is. A link.

**Hello, lovelies! Sorry for another shorter chapter. I kinda struggled with this one. Can't win 'em all, I guess. But yeah, not a whole lot going on. Mainly questions, eh? Anywho...I think I wanna get a wolf cut. That's a lie. I don't think, I do want one. I also wanna dye my hair again...and get my nose pierced lol. Am I going through something? The last I checked, I wasn't, but that's what I wanna do. Random, I know. Sorry! I guess it's just that kinda day. That said, thank you so much for joining me in another chapter and for dealing with me! Y'all are the bestest! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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