Chapter 5: Soft Promises

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Night falls and suddenly, the hospital fills with this uneasy silence.

Well, silence might not be the right word to describe it. It grows quieter. There is still noise; the hushed whispers of the nightshift nurses, the rolling of carts being wheeled down the halls, the occasional beep of a monitor in a nearby room. It's all still there, it's just quieter, almost like a silencer on a gun. You know it goes off - you see and hear it, but it's muffled.

That's what nighttime in the hospital is like. All the usual noises are still there, they're just dulled. That's all.

But I stand by the uneasy part. There is something about hospitals in general that I don't fancy. But a hospital at night? Their eeriness is only amplified, especially in those twilight hours. I don't know what it is. All I know is that I don't like it.

Still, I lay on my side, clutching my blanket to my chest as I stare out the window. Outside, the night sky stands outstretched, a black void reaching and reaching, not a single star to be seen as H/P shimmers. My room is on a higher floor, allowing me to look down at all the city lights, each shimmering.

In the past, seeing this kind of view would have brought me a sense of peace. I would have felt perfectly at ease and content, maybe even inspired. But now, all I see is a deep and dark expansion that is reaching and groping, never really ending.

I sigh and swallow, my throat burning, my thoughts replaying the day.

I hadn't expected that many people to show up. In fact, I expected no visitors. I didn't even want visitors. All I wanted was to be alone. That was what I wanted, but looking back at it, I almost appreciate it all. Randy, Mrs. Warner, Abara, Juuzou...


I remember back to the moments that followed my breakdown. The sobs. The never-ending fall of salty tears. The warmth of his arms holding me lightly, wrapping around me in a comforting embrace.

Even though I was wailing, there was something familiar about that hold. Something that - for a moment - caused me to freeze, then melt into his arms. I don't know if it's because he's saved me from ghouls twice, but I

"We'll bring her back. I promise."

Those were the words he said. I remember them clearly. He said them. He spoke them. I know he did.

"We'll bring her back. I promise," he had said, taking me into his arms. His warm breath caressed the crown of my head. "She'll be back."

I melted into his arms, sobbing, my hot tears seeping into his shirt, though he didn't seem to mind. We just stood, me crying as he held me. Then, at some point, he walked us to my bed, where we both sat. I continued to cry as his hands gently patted my shoulders.

I trembled, partly from feeling chilled by the sterile AC and partly from the adrenaline and nerves. I was on edge, my emotions teetering somewhere between numb and insanity. I was fragile, and he handled me so gingerly.

He wasn't rough or rude or cold. He didn't act childish or say anything ridiculous. He just sat, holding me, not saying a thing, his warm body heat wrapping around me. And for a moment, I almost forgot who he was.

He was a completely different person. His behavior didn't match that of the man who had that bored expression after rescuing me in the alley. Nor was he ridiculously immature. He was...I don't know. He was comforting and gentle and kind and patient.

We sat like that for a while, then eventually, I pulled away, sniffling, "Thank you, Juuzou. Sorry about that." A twinge of guilt tugged at me, and I knew, I needed to apologize for more than just crying. "And I'm sorry for snapping at you. I...I'm frustrated and angry and I lashed out at you. I'm sorry."

He blinked a few times before smiling, the red X stitches under his bottom lip moving with the skin. "Eh, it's okay. You're going through something. And if you need to lash out at someone, I rather it be me, anyway."

A few stray tears continued to roll down my cheeks as I lifted a brow. "But why? That doesn't make any sense."

He shrugged, "Doesn't matter. Just know that if you feel the need to yell or scream or even punch, I'm a call away."

I hated myself for it, but I couldn't help but snort, "Well, I don't want to make a habit of any of that."

"Maybe not, but if you need to, I'm here."

He flashed a smile, and not a cocky or arrogant one. Nor a childish one. No, this one was sincere and warm, telling me he meant what he said. Which, in the state, I was in, caused me to - for a moment - feel my heart flutter.

But before I ever had a chance to react or respond, Abara returned, and the conversation shifted. Still, regardless, I can't get his words out of my mind.

"We'll bring her back. I promise."

He had seemed so sure and confident. Which is reassuring, considering what his career path consists of, and what their mission holds. And I wish I could feel that confident. I wish I could believe in them as much as they deserve, but...part of me can't help but feel anxious.

Because at the end of the day, I'm scared. So damned scared.

**Ello lovelies! So, no direct Juuzou scenes, but a bit of a flashback. And it seems we got to see a different side of Juuzou. Thoughts? Feelings? Feel free to share! Weww. So, yesterday I spent the whole day cleaning my room (I let it get...rough). Anyway, I straightened up, dusted, cleaned my bedding, and made my bed and wow, I forgot how nice it is to have a neat room. Plus, I got some new bedding (a nice, calm blue stripe set that matches my curtains and rug). My old comforter was a loud pattern with even louder colors, and though I like it, it was getting to be too much. Needless to say, today I feel good and accomplished. Yeah...random. Just felt like sharing some meaningless stuff lol. But that'll do for today! Thank y'all so much for all the love! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

Freak ~Juuzou x Reader AU~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora