Chapter 15: Fine

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~Juuzou POV~

"She couldn't recall anything?" Hanbee asks, walking at my side.

I shake my head. "That's what she said."

He frowns. "I must say, I didn't fully expect her to remember or notice too much, but something would have been nice. It could have been a lead."

Yeah. It could have been a lead. It could have been something, but as disappointing as it is, she couldn't really pick out anything, leaving us at this square. But we have one thing we didn't have before. We have a theory.

All the victims – Y/N included – worked in customer service in one way or another. Retail, hospitality, restaurant service, and even entertainment. All reliant and dependent on direct person-to-person interactions. Something that was overlooked. Which means that whoever is behind all this must have at some point met each victim.

"Yeah, but we'll still solve this," I say, stuffing my hands in my pockets. "We already know whoever's doing this has to have met the victims at their places of work."

"That is true. But without any suspects, how?"

How? That is the question. In a big (even if you live in a small town or even somewhere more rural, just go with it, please) city like H/P, finding our main culprit will be difficult, but not impossible. Anyone can find a needle in a haystack if they dig deep enough.

"Dunno," I shrug, "but we'll figure it out."

I can feel him eye me. He does that a lot, especially when he's trying to figure out something. I don't mind it, though. Even if he's doubting me. I know he'll still follow me.

"Don't worry, Hanbee. We'll figure this out. It may take time, but we will."

He straightens his posture. "I know we will... I just hope we solve it before...well, before those kids are..."

He doesn't finish saying what he's thinking, but I don't need him to. I already know what's going through his mind.

The kids.

He's hoping we find them before they're auctioned off because that is what will happen. They will be sold off as human pets, up for grabs for any ghoul looking for a new pet. And that's only if that hasn't already happened.

I doubt they've been sold already. Even if they have, I'm certain they're still in H/P. Their handlers wouldn't have gone far. Not with everything that's happening here. There's too much commotion. Too much excitement. If they fled now, they'd miss it all. So long as they watch from afar, they think they're safe.

That's what they think, but we'll find them. I know we will.

But I can sense something else. Something that he wants to say but won't, and I rather he didn't. Because in the end, I've already heard him say it multiple times, but I'm fine.

Mama is dead. She's been dead for a while now. She's not the one behind all these attacks, and she can't hurt anyone. Not anymore. But Mama wasn't the only one who did things like this. There are others, and they're everywhere. We just need to stop them.

"Hanbee, you're staring," I say, turning to him.

"Sorry, sir. I guess I was just –"

"Worrying? Well, stop that. We'll figure this out and save the day!"

His features remain neutral. "Of course. Just, please don't overexert yourself, sir."

I laugh, "You worry too much, Hanbee! I'll be fine."

Twenty good boy points, Rei.

I suck my lips in. "I'll be fine."

**Bello lovelies! How are y'all doin'? I hope you're all doing good. If not, I hope your day improves! A bit of a shorter chapter today, with another Juuzou POV. So, they have no leads BUT they have a theory, and it's one Juuzou is confident in. That said, it seems Mama's words keep haunting him. Any idea what any of this means? Feel free to take a gander! brother might be getting a puppy Saturday. I'm gonna have a fur nephew! Exciting! Anyway, thank y'all so much for everything! Y'all rock! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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