Chapter 26: Of Interest

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It makes sense.

Well, technically it doesn't, but it also does. It's so messy and screwed up. That someone would do this. That someone would let something like this slip. Even with something this big...

But that leaves the question. Who? Who would leak the news about the raid? Why would they leak it? That's the part that makes no sense. What would they have to gain? How would they benefit from doing this?

Who? Why? What? How?

All questions that swirl and twirl in my mind. Questions that I have been gnawing on since the night before last when the raid took place.

I've sat on this for two nights now. Pondering and wondering who would do this and why, and now, I am about to meet with Juuzou and Abara. The two reached out to me after the failed raid.

Honestly, I can only assume that they want to give me the official report, but I already know... We all know. Because of the ghouls' informant, the raid was a failure. It takes no genius to piece that together. Still, I hold my head high as I walk through the TSC H/P headquarters, TSC employees watching me as I go by.

Most of their faces look familiar. Whether that's from possibly seeing some flashing by on the news or from having noticed them in passing the last time I was here, I cannot tell, but I can feel them watching me. Their eyes follow me. I don't care though. If they want to watch, then so be it. Watch. Watch me as I go.

But that won't stop me from going where I'm going.

Because right now, even though there are so many more uncertainties than there were before, I need something. Anything. I need to see and hear whatever it is they have to say. Just something.

Eventually, I find the door that Abara led me to before and slip through it. Inside, the small, plain room is void of life – minus the single potted plant. Aside from that, there is no life. No Abara and no Juuzou.

So I sit, sliding into one of the seats.

The silence of the room swaddles me, sending chills to sprawl across my skin. Once upon a time ago, I used to find so much peace and comfort in the quietude. I used to enjoy my walks or drives home from the club, the loud pulsate of music replaced by the even silence. It was always so nice. But now...the silence is taunting. That's all it is.

A taunting wave of laughter.

I tap the smooth top of the table, chewing my lip as I patiently wait when a gentle knock comes upon the door. I jolt, turning as it opens, and both Abara and Juuzou make their way in.

Abara is quiet, flashing me a small and halfhearted smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. A hint of shame almost lingers over him. Almost. But as for his superior, well...I can't say he sports the same expression.

Unlike Abara, Juuzou is smiling brightly, still talking chipperly about whatever they were discussing on their way here. He moves spritely, his gestures casual, the failure of what occurred two days ago not weighing on him.

However, as I have come to know Juuzou, I cannot help but feel this version of him is merely a façade. A mask he puts on whenever things are looking too grim. He's done it before. Many times. And each time it takes me off guard, but not this time. This time – if anything – I almost find it...uplifting.

"Heyya, Y/N!" Juuzou says in a singsong tone. He slides into the seat directly across from me, Abara claiming the one next to him. "Thanks for meeting us so short noticed."

"Yes, thank you," Abara agrees.

I fidget with my fingers. "Of course. That I here to hear the bad news?"

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