Chapter 33: The Crash

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For a moment, I don't understand.

I don't comprehend what has been said to me. I heard them. I heard the words spoken, but they don't register. Not right away. They take a moment. But then they do. They do register.

I choke, coughing and heaving as my chest grows heavy. I cough and cough, Abara coming to my side. He rests a hand on my back, speaking softly.

"Are you okay, Y/N? I understand that this must have come as a great surprise."

I manage to somewhat gather myself and glance at the two, nearly bursting. "Are you sure? Are you sure that card number belongs to Clay?"

I want it to be a mistake. So badly I do. I want Juuzou or Abara to look at me and tell me they made a mistake. But they don't. Abara continues to stand at my side and Juuzou... He just looks at me, his features never faltering. Not once. But it is him who speaks.

"There is no mistake. The card belongs to Clayton Key."

My breath hitches. "Are you sure? might have been stolen, or..."

My thoughts are flying at sonic speed. I can't see them. I can't understand them. I can't grasp them. There are too many and they are moving far too fast. But one thing does keep circling. Clay's name.

It's on the card. His name is on the card that has been used at each victim's workplace. Surely that doesn't mean anything. Surely.

"There has to be a mistake." I shake my head. "There's a mistake. This... It's a coincidence. That's what it has to be." I look at Juuzou. "Someone else had to have been using it. They must have. It was stolen. Right? Clay... He wouldn't."

Juuzou watches me, his expression never changing. Then, he inhales and says, "That could be the case. You're right about that."

A sliver of hope dashes through me, but it is brief.

"But," he continues, "the card has not been reported missing or stolen. If that were the case, he would have reported it."

"That is true," Abara interjects, returning to his seat. "Moreso, we were able to finally receive video footage at some of the victim's workplaces."


"Some people have been difficult to work with," Juuzou replies. "They've made it difficult for us to get the information we need."

"Who? Why? What's changed?" I'm so confused.

He shrugs. "Couldn't say. I'm guessing they have loyalties to a player in all this."

"Such as Mr. Clayton Key," Abara finishes.

I don't want to believe it. I don't want to even pay it any attention. I don't want to. It doesn't seem real. If anything, it sounds like some sick joke. It has to be. It has to be.

"I... This doesn't make any sense. Clay...he's been there for me. He...he has done so much for me, and..."

I suddenly feel so small. Oh, so insignificant. And surrounded by swirling thoughts. Like a million little grains of sand.

Clay's face flashes through my thoughts. That strong square jaw. That thick black hair speckled with gray. That croaked smirk. Those glimmering oceanic eyes. It's all there, just as I remember him. Just as charming and dashing as he always has been.

And I don't want to see him in any other light.

"I just don't get it." I glance between the two. "Wait, have you two seen the footage?"

Abara looks at Juuzou before nodding, "We have and...we did see Mr. Clayton Key. We couldn't tell much, but we were able to identify him."

My heart stops. "There' way."

"Your employer, Mr. Randy Dunkin was able to identify him for us," he continues.

I perk up. "Randy?"

"He's been the most cooperative with us," Juuzou says. "He had no problem giving us any footage, and was able to help point out Key."

"But why go to Randy? What does he have to do with any of this?"

Abara lifts a brow. "Y/N...Mr. Dunkin is your employer. You were targeted and attacked by those two ghouls who broke into your apartment."


Abara almost appears taken aback, but I honestly don't get it. Why did Randy get involved? Why did they go to him? What is happening? I don't get it. I just don't get it. I –

Juuzou lifts a brow and speaks, his voice smooth and even, running like ice down my spine. "You were a victim."

**Bello lovelies! Well, well, well. It seems Y/N has completely looked over the fact that she was a victim as well, and now her world has been flipped upside down. It seems Mr. Key is not looking so good. What do you think? Do you think he's responsible for all the heartache? Stay tuned to find out! Ugh. It is currently storming...again. It stormed not yesterday, but the day before, and it's supposed to storm again tonight. And it was all sunshine earlier. Tsk, tsk. Oh, well, can't control the weather. As always, thank you so, so much for everything! Y'all are the bestest! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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