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"I can't believe this. You mean to tell me you're pregnant? But you're seventeen! You're both seventeen!"

"I'd prefer if you terminated it, but it's not my call."

"You're going through with it? Fine. When do you plan to tell your parents?"

"I will offer financial aid."

"I'll be at the scan with you. It's after school, right?"

"Wow. Y/N, look. Do you see that? That's...what is that?"

"That's the baby."

"That's the baby! Whoa! Look how small it is! Is that its heartbeat? Wow...Y/N."

"Look at the ultrasound picture! That little spot is the baby!"

"Hello, little bean. Can you hear me?"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm talking to the baby."

"But the baby can't hear you."

"Well, not yet, but it will. Hear that little bean? I'm gonna teach you all sorts of things! How to ride a bike. How to skateboard. How to change a tire."

"Listen to that heartbeat. That's amazing. Look how big it's getting!"

"Am I scared? Well, yeah, I'm scared. This wasn't really in my plans for my senior year, but I think I'm more excited than scared. I know you're scared, but I know aren't your parents."

"Your parents found out? No, no. Shh. Don't cry. You can live with us. It'll be fine. It's okay."

"I don't know why Mom insists you have a separate bedroom. We're already giving her one grandkid. Ya know?"

"Oh, yeah. It's a beautiful day for a gender reveal. Anybody else excited?"

"Any bets? I'm saying a girl."

"Wouldn't you rather have a boy?"

"Eh. I don't care. As long as it's healthy, it doesn't matter to me."

"Three, two, one! It's pink! It's a girl! I knew it! Yeah!"

"She's growing so much! She'll be here before we know it."

"I really like the name Rui. It's cute. Don't ya think?"

"Wow. Look at her. I can't wait to meet her."

"Can you hear me, little bean? I love you!"

"It's all your fault. This is all your fault!"

"Try not to take it personal, Y/N. Martha is just...she's angry and as wrong as it may be, she's projecting. None of this was your fault."

"It hurts. It hurts, it hurts! I'm scared!"

"Squeeze my hand as hard as you need. I'm here."

"Come on, Mama! That a girl, that a girl! And she's here! Congratulations, Mama. It's your baby girl."

"Rui Lakelynn? That's a precious name."

A series of events drug us along that year. So many things changed. People left us. Dreams had to be changed and rearranged. Goals were set aside, and I wasn't ready. I was scared and afraid that I wouldn't measure up. Then they placed that screaming, wailing baby on my chest and I cried. I cried because my heart swelled so much that it hurt. I never realized I could love somebody so much that it ached. Not until I met her.

Do you see her? Do you see her now? over her.

**Ello lovelies! I hope y'all enjoyed that little prologue to help kick things off. I was listening to Ed Sheeran while writing this ("Happier", to be specific) and it got me in my feels. Might - might being the keyword - use that song at some point...if I remember, that is. Lol my memory is crap. But yeah. Just a little look into some past things said. Any idea who exchanged these words? Feel free to take a guess! Thank you so, so much for all the love! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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