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'V?'- Christine asked, about to touch V's cheek, when he backed off. 

'You do know I have a boyfriend, right?'- He asked, looking at her with angry eyes.

'But, I thought he was just a time pass or something...look, I know he might have forced you, after all, I have seen him since the starting when Mrs. Jeon brought him to college, he tried to get close to you. I can help you, if he's forcing you, don't need to worry, I know you love me too!' 

V chuckled to himself. 

'Get out.'- he said. 

'W-what?'- she asked not able to believe it.

'GET OUT! And always remember, I fucking love him, and about forcing, you can say, it was the opposite, with me being his stalker and then falling in love. So it'll be good enough if you stop blaming him and get the fuck out of here!'

Christine grew angry and was about to forcefully kiss Tae when he pushed her back. 

'What the hell do you think you're trying to do?!'

'Get you for me! I fucking did everything, fought with the bullies just to show you that I'm the one capable of being your girlfriend! But no! As soon as that shit entered, you were all behind him like a lovesick puppy! You can't do this to me, V!'

'Oh, I very well can and don't you dare call me shit, the true bitch, is you. Get the fuck out before I actually throw you out!'

Christine was about to say something when V grabbed his wrist and began to make his way to the door. 

As he pushed her out, she stopped him from closing the door. 

'I fucking even blackmailed that guy to break up with you, sent your pictures to his parents, even proved him gay and yet you're together! How the fuck! Leave him V, or I'll tell it all to his parents, especially to Mrs. Jeon!'

V looked at her darkly, before grabbing her jaw harshly and bringing her close to his face. 

'Go and do whatever the fuck you want to, just know, you ain't going to live nicely after what you've done. Be happy for the time you have, once I get the chance, I'll fucking destroy you, just wait and watch.'- he said, before pushing her back and closing the door on her face, while she kept banging on it. 

He called the security of the apartment, and soon enough, Christine was thrown out. 

Tae was fuming, how dare she!

He finally knew who had made all this shit happen, her. And he swears to god, that he won't let her live peacefully. 

'Taetae!'- came Jungkook's voice, and he broke out of his thoughts, rushing towards the room, only to see Jungkook showing grabby hands to him. 

Tae felt his anger vanish as he moved towards the younger, and laid down beside him, hugging him close. 

'That bitch! I can't believe she said all that, I would've killed her!'- he grumbled.

'Sh, calm down Taetae, don't worry, I ain't sad, after all, I need to get used to all this.'- Jungkook spoke, making Tae back off from the hug and frown at him. 

'Oh come on, you're too handsome and hot for your own good, I'm bound to see people clinging to you.'- Jungkook cheekily smiled. 

Tae shook his head. 

'But it's you whom I love, just know that, fuck those who come behind me, their fault to fall for me. But baby boy, don't you dare think you're less. You're the cutest, my little baby bunny~' 

Tae squished Jungkook's cheeks who pouted. 

'I didn't like how she tried to tell you to leave me. You're mine Kim Taehyung!'- Jungkook said glaring cutely, to which Tae nodded and saluted. 

'I'm yours, sir.'

Jungkook giggled, which soon turned into a yawn. 

'My bunny is sleepy, go to sleep baby, I'm right here beside you.'

Jungkook nodded closing his eyes and trying to shift closer to Tae, who stopped him and himself shifted close enough, pressing a kiss on Jungkook's forehead and lips, and began to brush his fingers through the boy's hair. 

The last thing he heard from Jungkook who drifted to sleep was, 'Never leave me, Taetae.'

'I won't ever, as long as I can, baby. I'm gonna care for you, and take care of you.' 

With that, Tae too slept, his one arm beneath Jungkook's head, and the other, holding the boy's uninjured palm, their fingers intertwined. 

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