Chapter 24

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Connor screamed happily as he flew through the air to land with a large splash next to Hayden who was treading water near the boat.

"Me! Me!" cried Kassidy, who was still on the boat with me, decked out in her life vest.

"You want to go flying too, little princess?" I asked as I crouched down next to her.

"Yes please!"

"Alright, here you go!" Standing up, I lifted her under the arms, and then swung her gently back and forth before launching her into the water near Kaia. This was my favorite 4th of July ever, and I was surrounded by the people I loved most in the world.

We were back out in Biscayne Bay, having raced the boat around to the delight of the kids, and were now blowing off some steam with some swimming before digging into the picnic dinner that we'd brought with us. Best of all, the city of Miami does their 4th of July fireworks over the bay, so they'd be bursting almost overhead, and giving us a stunning view. This was something I'd wanted to do for years, and I was so glad we were finally here.

"It's tonight, isn't it?" Heather asked in a whisper after getting out of the water.

"What's that?" I asked, not sure what she was referring to.

"You're asking Kaia tonight, right?"

Damn, was I that obvious? "Do you think she knows?"

Heather shrugged. "I'm not sure. She pretty much hopes for it every day, but she isn't too worried about it. She knows that you're hers, and she's yours, but she can't wait to be married to you. Hell, I was the same way. I couldn't wait till Hayden asked me, but I knew she was going to. You two are perfect together, and your kids love both of you as parents already. Kassidy already calls you daddy, and I know Connor has called Kaia mama before."

"Well, since you know, could you take a video of us when the fireworks start? I'd love to have that memory," I asked with a smile.

"Absolutely. That will be something to keep forever!"

"I guess I have your approval then?" I gave her a little smirk, knowing the answer.

"Cole, you had my approval on the first fishing trip," Heather admitted. "She was head over heels for you so fast, and I could see how much you cared for her. Some guys would have run when they found out about Kassidy, or about her past, but you loved her even more. She needed someone like you."

"I needed her too. My marriage was a joke that I should have never agreed to, and Kaia is the first person to actually love me for me. And yeah, Connor adores both her and Kassidy, he always calls her his sister."

We spent another hour swimming in the water before we pulled everyone aboard for dinner. Everyone was getting prune-like fingers, but nobody was complaining, they were all having too much fun. But I didn't want to be making sandwiches and eating in the dark, since we wanted to concentrate on the fireworks instead!

With so many people on the boat, we didn't want to risk the little grill again, so we packed the cooler full of sandwich fixings like turkey and roast beef, as well as fruit, condiments, lettuce, tomato and drinks. We also had big bags of chips, pretzels, and a variety of breads too, so everyone could have whatever they liked. Before long, we were all happily munching on our sandwiches and relaxing. After all the swimming and boating, everyone had big appetites, and I was happy to hear a lot of contented chewing and relaxed conversation. Once more, we were treated to a glorious sunset fading behind the buildings of Miami, and we knew that soon we would be seeing the fireworks.

We weren't the only boats out there, as there were quite a few out in the bay ready to watch the fireworks. We were going to have to make sure we took our time getting back so we didn't get stuck in a boat traffic jam, and there could be a lot of boats trying to get to the same marina as we needed to get to. Some of those boats would undoubtably be driven by people who had too much to drink out here, and so I was already prepared to take a long time getting back to avoid all that.

We all settled in around the various seats on the boat, knowing the fireworks would be there soon. Connor and Kassidy sat in the cushioned dining area while Hayden and Heather sat on the swim deck with their feet in the water. I was in the captain's chair, Kaia in my lap curled into my chest with a happy smile on her face.

"This is a pretty perfect night, our little family all together," I whispered into her ear. "We may have to adopt Heather and Hayden at this rate." Truly, we saw them almost every night, it was like we were the four musketeers plus two kids. It was nice, we all got along so well, that they were a part of the family too. Two extra aunts for the kids, which was good since Kaia and I were only children, so they had two extra role models.

"Have they asked you yet?" Kaia wondered.

"Asked me what?" I would have thought that Heather would have asked me whatever she wanted when she had me alone earlier.

"Once they're married, they were wondering if we'd be okay with you donating sperm for them to have kids," Kaia explained.

Holy shit! How would that work? If Kaia and I had kids, they would already be half siblings to both Kassidy and Connor. If we add in some kids for Heather and Hayden, then they would have even more half siblings. Granted, the girls would be their moms, but as often as we were with them, I would see the kids all the time. "Would you think that was weird?"

Kaia shook her head. "I have loved Heather like a sister for as long as I remember. Hayden didn't take long to find her way into a similar relationship with me. It might seem odd to some, but I would rather see them have babies with your donation than a random person from a catalog. They both know you, they can see what kind of man you are. Why wouldn't they want kids with your genetics? Besides, the more kids the merrier. We'd have four parents and a whole bunch of kids, and those kids would be loved more than any others around."

"At this rate we should just have them move in with us then. Give them the in-law suite and we can have some kids bunk up together," I suggested absently.

She turned and smiled wide at me. "That would be perfect!"

"You'd really like that?" I hadn't really thought about it before I mentioned it, but it could work. With all of us there, we could all pitch in with kids. Sure, some people might find it odd, but it could work for us. Two sets of parents, each loving the kids and making sure they always had someone to take care of them. That would be pretty amazing, right?

She nodded quickly, just as the first of the fireworks went off. "I'd love that! I bet they would too! Can we ask them tonight?"

"Of course, baby. Right after the fireworks." She turned in my lap and looked up into the sky as the huge explosions burst overhead in a riot of colors. Kassidy and Connor were screaming and pointing, while us adults were just staring in amazement. I caught Heather's eye, and she cocked an eyebrow at me, and I quickly nodded at her. She pulled her phone out, and quickly set it to video before pointing it at Kaia and me.

It was finally time.

I reached backwards and into the glove box of the boat to pull out a small velvet box, then palmed it while reaching around Kaia's waist. While her attention was still on the sky, I opened the box, so that if she looked down, she could see it. Once I took a deep breath, I lifted it until it caught her eye, and I felt her whole body freeze in shock.

"Kaia, you burst into my life like the fireworks overhead right now. You quickly became the brightest part of my life and filled my days and nights with wonder. I know we fell quickly, but I know the love I have for you is real and unconditional. I would love to be Kassidy's dad for real, and for you to be Connors mama too. Would you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Kaia looked over her shoulder at me, a smile on her face and happy tears coursing from her eyes. "Of course I will, Cole. I would love nothing more! I love you so much!"

I was overjoyed as I slipped the ring onto her finger and heard the cheers from Heather and Hayden. Kaia was going to be my wife! The fireworks overhear illuminated our little boat as I pulled Kaia into a gentle kiss, our tears merging together as we finally embraced what we'd wanted. Kaia was mine, and I was hers, and our life together was just beginning. When the fireworks were over, we wasted no time in joining with the kids in a little group hug while Hayden and Heather piled on with us.

"Does that mean Cole will be my real daddy?" Kassidy asked, her face hopeful.

"Yes, that is exactly what it means, my little princess. And Connor will be your brother and your mom will be Connor's mama."

"Yay!" both of the kids chorused. They were almost as happy as we were, and that was all we needed. Life was good.

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