Chapter 5

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I didn't get her number. I didn't get the name of the boat she charters for. But she did ask me to come back for lunch, which considering the state of my life wasn't a terrible thing. I was at the lawyer's office just before 2pm with Connor, who was a little sleepy after eating all the pancakes and ended up crashing on the couch in Miriam Grant's office.

When I was marrying Kate, her father demanded a prenuptial agreement in case I was using her for the money. I can understand his hesitation. While the moms were childhood friends, he didn't know me or my mother at all. I probably would have done the same thing were I in his shoes, and I never faulted him for it. But I did fault Kate's brother for the agreement he tried to get me to sign.

Kate's older brother, Jon, wasn't a good lawyer. He was the sleazy kind of guy that a business would call up to try and screw over innocent people with a shady deal that looked good on paper but would likely cost them their house and life savings. Obviously, he was the guy that wrote up the original agreement, and as soon as I looked it over, I realized it pretty much meant that she could do whatever she wanted and I would get nothing, and she could end the marriage for any reason, and I'd get nothing. 

Yeah, that was bullshit.

So, I did some research, and found Miriam Grant, a family law practitioner who used to be a state prosecutor. She was one of those people you would instinctively hate unless they were on your team, and at that point you love them. She pulled that agreement apart and then pretty much bullied Jon into agreeing to a much fairer document. I get no money if I cheat or ask for a divorce with no cause. At that point I would only get any gifts that were mine, and she would keep the house and all joint gifts. For instance, Kate would keep the Ferrari that her father gave her as a present, but I would keep the boat that he got me. I was fine with that since I couldn't put a car seat in the Ferrari.

On the other hand, instead of getting nothing regardless of what Kate did, I could now get a one-time cash settlement thanks to her cheating. And that was a rather sizable one of $10 million. Of course, I needed proof, but I did have the camcorder and the other videos in the case, which Miriam's IT guy was already going through and copying all of the videos, as well as the video file that Hayden had been kind enough to send me. That was more than enough proof of her infidelity. It may have been a little petty, but I spent four years married to her, and for her to do that I think was worth the money. I would absolutely be asking for it.

Fuck! I had a momentary bit of realization about Sierra too. Was there any chance that Kate had been hoping I'd be tempted by her and give her a reason to divorce me and get out of the prenup? It wouldn't shock me even the slightest! Luckily, while I may have appreciated Sierra's looks, I'd never been tempted.

By the time I was done with the appointment, and forked over $7500 as a retainer, I knew I was going to get exactly what I wanted. In fact, Kate and Zack were both in some serious trouble, since inside the leather case were eight additional videos, five of which were of Kate, and three with other women, and every one of them had already been uploaded to Pornhub prior to us seeing them. To complicate matters, Zack's son Kirk, who had recorded them all, was still a minor, and two of the videos with Kate had been filmed in her doctor's office. She didn't want any of that to go before a judge, because that would for sure get to authorities that would be asking about her medical license and her relationship with Kirk.

Needless to say, I had high hopes that this would be a quick and easy divorce, and then I could get on with whatever the next part of my life entailed.

As I was pulling into my mother's driveway, I realized a couple of particularly important thoughts. First, I really needed more Advil and another cold pack because I was incredibly sore. And second, I have never texted my mother about what was happening with Kate, or the fact that Connor and I would be staying there for a while.

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