Chapter 8

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So, it turns out that Gina is amazing. No, not like that, though I'm sure that she has people to attest to that too. But she got Mr. Vosman to agree to give me the Miami Dolphins project! I'd known that she was a good worker, but the office politics aspect of that move was a new side of her. She may have lied a little and told him that it would do me good because it would keep me out of the office and away from Zack, but I couldn't fault her for that little fib at all. It was an entire team project too, so we would all be there, helping them plan the stadium renovations they wanted to do once the current NFL season was over. I even hugged her in a completely professional manner, and she didn't grab my ass. True progress!

Truthfully, Zack was reacting worse than I was. He was already unliked because of his work effort, and now this scandal was making him feel like a pariah. Since I had been a lot more respected and liked than he was, there was more sympathy for me dealing with my situation than worrying about his discomfort. My mood had already been lifted since the divorce process had already started and I had been buoyed by the prospect of seeing Kaia again on Saturday, so work wasn't as bad as I expected.

Speaking of which, today is charter fishing boat day! Yes, I'm going to go see Kaia, and I can't wait! Hayden doesn't live too far from me, and I agreed to pick her up on the way to the boat. It was going to be an early start, so she didn't want to drive while tired. I even stopped by the diner that Kaia worked at to get half a dozen coffees for her, Heather, and the crew, with an assortment of cream and sugar options. Did I ask the staff at the diner how she liked her coffee? Of course. I even grabbed the French vanilla creamer for her so she would get exactly the way she wanted.

"Damn, this girl has you hooked!" Hayden said when I made her hold the coffee.

"Oh please, your shorts are so short that they might as well be a bathing suit, and I'm sure you'll have them off and be in a bikini as soon as you meet Heather."

She rolled her eyes but didn't try to deny it. Not that I could fault her. I was wearing a bathing suit and tee shirt myself. We were going to be on a boat, it wasn't like there was a need to be dressed up. Following the GPS, we made our way to the correct marina and then parked the car, bringing the coffee and the cooler I'd packed with drinks with us to the boat. Being out on the water in the Miami sun, I was worried about dehydration, so I was playing it safe.

We walked out onto the dock and started heading toward the correct berth. It wasn't too hard to find the boat, because both Hayden and I stopped dead in our tracks when it came into view. I had thought that Hayden's shorts were tiny, but when I saw Kaia and the girl that I assumed to be Heather, I realized how wrong I was. They were in cut offs that barely had any thread on them, and so tight I was worried they were going to burst every time they moved. Oh, and of course they each had tiny bikini tops on too. Heather was a virtual twin to Kaia, though her hair was perhaps a shade darker, and she was just a bit taller.

"Fuck!" Hayden breathed out.

"You want to go meet Heather?" I asked, while nudging her shoulder.

"I might need to jump in the water first. Damn!"

"Come on, she's more than just a pretty face so be charming," I prompted.

"Yeah, sorry. I'll behave."

I didn't believe that for a moment. But it was a nice sentiment.

Kaia must have been keeping an eye out for us because she stepped to the side of the boat and greeted us as we walked over to it. "Ahoy! Welcome to the Twin Star! Can I help you aboard?" She held her hand out and I happily took it, jumping over the gunwale and onto the aft deck.

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