Neil, I like you more than you'll probably ever know. More than I'll ever probably admit too. More than how my self thinks I do.

Even after admitting our feelings for each other, he wasn't still ready to tell me that he was Nemo. It's fine. I'll wait for him to tell me himself. It's not like it matters anyway. He probably has his reasons.

I eavesdropped as Neil talks with his brother "And he has been looking all over for you, I presume? Right, Nemo?"

I knew it. I wasn't really that surprised. What startled me was that he was reluctant to accept the other guy's offer. Why?! I continued eavesdropping and I felt irked at how his big brother thinks about him. And at how Neil thinks about himself. Tch. Why is he so stupid?

Neil went back to announce that he'd go home early. The face he was making. This was his expression back in elementary.

When his guitar strings snapped.
And when he kissed my fingers in marriage booth.

Something is not right.
So I overstepped and insisted on joining him. To go back to his place.
Just to comfort him. Ehem ehem.
Just that. Right, Danni?!
Ehem ehem ehem!!!

Well. I guess. Things just turned from this to that. And now we ended up sleeping in.

I opened my eyes and Neil was staring at me lovingly. Aw shucks. My heart. Stop it please.

"Good morning." I said with a smile because seeing him like this as soon as I open my eyes is a brand new experience for me.

"You look pretty." he says and smirks. Aw. My heart is melting so I leaned in for a kiss.

But what the hell? Why is he evading my kiss? I tried following his head but he was evading it in all directions.

"Neil!" I yelled and he stood up looking scared. Then ran out his room.

I stood up and upon walking to his windows, I saw my reflection and he drew things on my face! Argh!!!

"Neil freaking Morgan!!! You're such a menace!!!" I screamed my lungs out. I immediately went out while wiping off the mustache and other things painted on my face.

"I'm sorry! I was just checking how deep you slept! And things just turned from this to that!" he was laughing as he shields up with a pillow.

I grabbed a pillow and threw it back at him. We started throwing things back at each other. I guess, you can imagine his unit becoming a mess now. Suddenly, he screamed, "No!" then leaped at the floor.

His electric guitar fell on the floor from being hidden on a corner high shelf. It's the one that he uses for his covers as Nemo.

As I saw this, I also felt alarmed and immediately dived with him to catch it.

"You're so stupid! How could you put Nemo's electric guitar at such a high and unsteady place!" I yelled as we both grumble at his guitar.

"Well! I was in a hurry! You were so hot and- wait- how did you-" Neil sighed after and sat properly.

Then he continued, "Danni... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lie about it. I just didn't want it to be a big deal." he says.

"Why didn't you want me to know?" I asked back as I sit in front of him.

I wanted to hear him out despite feeling a little betrayed. Whatever. Being pranked by Neil is not a new thing for me anyways. If that's it, he said sorry already so I'm not going to take it to heart.

Besides, how can I ever resist him now?

"Well. Wait a second. I can't take you seriously looking like that." he chuckles then stood up. He went back with wet wipes in his hands and began wiping my face.

However annoyed I was, I also felt giddy as he wipes my face so delicately. The way he looks at me with those cute mischievous eyes. It's making me swoon.

"It's not that I wanted privacy or that I didn't want to share this info with you or that I was pranking you. It's just- I don't want to ruin the time and experience I enjoy while doing this hobby of mine. Does that make sense to you?" he asks and I just looked at him puzzled.

And he began explaining further, "I already told you my story. I wanted to build a future for myself as I came back here. Especially that I felt pressure from my brother being successful already. I was worried as to where my life was going. I felt like I'm not going anywhere."

"I chose to build on small businesses like the ones I have. To create jobs for the people I handle now. Since I've been there before. I know how much it helps people. I was able to save up from these jobs too. Call me a small fry but this is how I really feel. It doesn't always need to be about money. I want to be somebody. To the people that I'll employ. To touch their lives. Even if they're just a small circle." he narrates.

He still continues, "However, it became so exhausting. And somehow, despite the motivation I had, I still felt empty and hopeless at times. Like a burnout? I maybe taking on too many tasks and responsibilities for my shoulders to carry. I felt tired. Frustrated. Unproductive. I needed an outlet. Something different from what I currently do. A hobby?"

"And that's playing the guitar and streaming anonymously as Nemo." I said.

"A few months back, my account was monetized. At first, I thought: hey, I'm earning from this too! But slowly, as I was trying to keep up with the contents, it's starting to feel like a chore too. So I retraced my steps and held back again. Since then, I've been- I'm trying to keep it as it is. As it was before. I didn't want it to be a big deal." Neil concluded.

I see. It's his hobby.
His outlet. That he doesn't want to be ruined by fame or money.

I smirked and smiled to say, "Fine. I accept your explanation." then planted a kiss on his forehead.


"She's so obsessed with you. Are you really together now?" this girl from high school that Danni almost killed asked.

"Oh no. We're not like that. She's just working part time here. What would you like to drink?" I told them.

"Well good! She spilled her drinks on us during prom all because-" one girl says.

Then the other interrupted and pinched her by her arms, saying "Because we were talking about how well you did with the Prom decorations, right?"

Huh? That's weird. Why would Danni get mad over that?

"It's all in the past now. Anyways, let me take your orders." I said and I noted it.

As I was about to serve their drinks, I accidentally eavesdropped them talking.

"You almost slipped your tongue at that geek a while ago!" one girl says.

Then they laughed and the other said, "Duh! That nerd is gullible anyways. It'd be easy to order him around just like before."

Ahh. So that's probably it.

"Here's your drinks." I said. And oops, my hands slipped too.

"Oh. My bad. I guess, I'm a little clumsy." I smirked.

(to be continued)

Writer's Note

- I intended for this to be the last chapter but I wasn't able to put all the scenes in yet. There were cute scenes and events that I really want to write. So there may be 1 more after this. Thank you! I hope you've been having fun with Neil and Danni's character like me.

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